"Lottery Sales Fall Short, Officials Urge Customers to Buy Tickets" 'The clock was ticking Wednesday night as lottery officials pushed for people to buy the remaining lottery raffle tickets. Some stores had lottery reps on site urging customers to buy the $20 tickets.' http://www.wral.com/news/local/story/2222004/ "lottery reps"? That's what they're calling them? :roll:
That's what I was thinking...after sneaking it through legislation, they found out they really can't sell it to a constituency that generally didn't want it in the first place so they are out pushing it in person (since they can't do the hard-sell ads here that they do in other states). Are these goons paid by our taxes, too? Probably will sneak legislation to do the ads when they lose enough money... I hate politicians...
Personally, I don't have $20 to spare for a lottery ticket. Perhaps some are willing to buy one, but I haven't even bought a $10 scratch-off. I think I bought one $5 scratch-off. I'd rather keep that $20 and spend it on myself. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. I'll take my chances with 1 or two Cash 5 or a occasional Powerball. Two or three bucks I can handle.
My husband has been known to cross state lines in search of a winning lottery ticket (to no avail) but I have always felt that I might as well take the same money and flush it down the toilet--it's about the same result.
Lottery reps? Oh please, they might as well be drug pushers since gambling can be addictive and life destroying too. :roll: My DH and I were talking about this tonight and that is exactly what I said!
Personally, it doesn't matter to me if NC has a lottery or not. I bought three tickets this year. What get's me is that the lottery commission (and the General Assembly) inflates predictions and this is what ends up happening. Right now NCDOT is in the news and the public is demanding accountability. How do you get that demand extended across all state entities, including the GA?