Any Problems with Rapid Response in Garner?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by NanaPam, Dec 30, 2007.

  1. NanaPam

    NanaPam Active Member

    Just curious. Have used them several times but not again.
  2. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

    Ok...everyone....all together now....

    Why not?
  3. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    Which one? I went to the one on 70 near the big attorney's office 3 years ago when I was pregnant and I'll never go there again. I was so miserable...Was 10 weeks pregnant, not showing yet, and had the flu. When I got there I told them I was pregnant, wrote it down on my form, and told the nurses when they came in to take my temp, bp, all that stuff. I was in soooo much pain, knew it was the flu, was sunday morning and needed help fast! The dr (nurse practitioner) came in, said nothing about the pregnancy so thought maybe she didn't read her form. When I told her I was pregnant she looked at me like I was satan! She yelled "well, I can't do anything for you!" after I had been there for an hour waiting for her. Then she calmed down and asked me some questions, said it sounds like the flu but I need to call my ob/gyn, and then took a strep test (which I didn't need, I knew it was the flu!). I was so mad, if I had an ounce of energy I think I would have strangled her! Then, they didn't take my insurance (blue cross!) and charged me the regular rate plus $30 for the strep test that I didn't even need or want!
  4. PeeWee

    PeeWee Member

    RR on hwy 70 west gave me the feeling of a back street, cheesy, low rent clinic. I've been one time and that would be my last. Reminded me of the twilight zone. They scared me. I refused treatment and bolted.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2007
  5. Loriana

    Loriana Well-Known Member

    They remodeled (or built a new one) the one on 70 east. The one on 70 west is a little scarey. They've been OK for me, but I've never really had any major problems. I like it better than the one in Clayton.
  6. tawiii

    tawiii Guest

    What did you want them to do? If you knew it was the flu and you were pregnant you should have known they wouldn't be able to do much of anything. Quite a setup for a lawsuit.
  7. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    I would never sue them, but I thought there would be a doctor on call that could write me a prescription. If they couldn't care for a pregnant woman the 3 people I told initially when I was there should have told me that. It's like they knew all along and just wanted my money.
  8. NanaPam

    NanaPam Active Member

    Had a really bad migraine. Hubby had called them and told all that was going on. Got in and the doctor, I think he was a doctor, came in and said he couldn't do anything for me. Didn't have any drugs and since I couldn't swallow anything told us to go to the ER. WHY didn't they tell us that when we called or as soon as we got there. He was so rude! We were able to get up with our family doctor and we went there. I have been to RR several times with migraines and been treated well but never again. They did refund our copay. I don't like going to the ER as it will be a 6 to 8 hour wait and the urgent care centers are less expensive. The ER should be the last choice.
  9. tawiii

    tawiii Guest

    I agree.
  10. softballmom

    softballmom Well-Known Member

    A prescription for what? Flu is a virus and has to run its course. Nothing helps except Tamiflu, which you can't take when you're pregnant.
    Nurse Practicioners and Physician's Assistants can both write prescriptions, if needed.
  11. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I used that office just two weeks ago. No, it's not "pretty" by any means. But when we first started going there years ago, that was the only urgent care around that accepted our insurance. They did a great job on DS's hand once and I use them when I can't get to my regular doctor for minor issues. They correctly diagnosed me with strep and bronchitis and prescribed the appropriate antibiotic a couple weeks ago. My only complaint was they didn't give me anything for the coughing and ended up having to go back to Dr. Meehan for that. She fixed me up! I'm still coughing, but not "sick" but I've had bronchitis at least 10 times and it just has to work itself out. :cool:
  12. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    How would I know I can't take Tamiflu while pregnant? I've never been pregnant with the flu before then, and I'm not a dr or nurse. And the only reason I didn't call my ob/gyn was because it was early Sunday morning, and knew he'd want me to come to the ER. I would have had to drive myself all the way there because I didn't have anyone to watch my other 2, and my husband wasn't about to sit in a waiting room with 2 young kids for hours!
  13. softballmom

    softballmom Well-Known Member

    I looked Tamiflu up on the web and found that out. (at the Tamiflu website) Web MD is also an excellent source of information, and helps when making a medical decision.
  14. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    Yes, I go to webmd a lot too, but wasn't aware of the website 3 years ago, and being home sick with the flu while pregnant with 2 young kids, I wasn't about to get on the computer, I was lucky I could move! Also, just fyi - I took my 1 year old there years ago and they could not put stitches in, poor little guy was bleeding excessively from his mouth, and had to go from there to wake med ER. so if you're in a drastic situation like that you might want to keep that in mind.
  15. PeeWee

    PeeWee Member

    I would expect to be treated with respect and to receive the same medical advice that I would in an ER or at my doctor's office. After all, the people at RR are supposed to be medical professionals. The lack of professionalism is one of that main reasons I bolted. I went in with severe lower back pain and “thought “ it might be a kidney stone (I’d never had one before). Once I made it to the exam room the doctor pushed in the area of my back where the pain was and said it was a kidney stone, ordered a shot for pain and that was it. They didn’t x-ray or anything. I had taken my husband to a different Urgent Care with a kidney stone before. They x-rayed and gave him the x-ray to take to his doc. Insurance companies can be funny about trips to the ER. That’s why I decided to try RR first. Lessons learned the hard way are never forgotten, I never took the shot for pain. My heart rate was high and it freaked the nurse out. Her reaction scared me & that’s when I did bolt. I went home and took a few Tylenols, took a nap….woke up hurting some kind of bad and went to the ER at Rex.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2007

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