Kaci, I love my Sugar girl SO much!! She is a wonderful dog and I do not regret getting her for one minute... well, maybe just for a minute while I'm vacuuming. Anyway, I wanted to show you how gorgeous she is now that she has had nearly a year to recover from her litter of pups. They really dragged her down, as you will see in the first picture taken in February. But she is one healthy girl now, as you'll see in the second pictures, taken this month. She hardly looks like the same dog! Thank you for rescuing my sweet Sugar! :-D
Ready, you've done a wonderful job! She looks so healthy now! I swear the rescued animals are so much more loving. I was looking at pics of the cat in my avatar the other night from when I first brought her home. She didn't look the same either, so skinny from a litter of kittens too early, none survived and she was so depressed and listless. She has been fixed since then of course and is now my fat and sassy constant companion.
Thank you kdc. I wish you could feel this dog's fur, she is the softest dog I have ever touched (and I've touched a lot!) Her fur feels like rabbit, no joke. I think she might be a shepherd/husky/whatever-dog-feels-like-rabbit mix, but I'm not sure. But whatever she is, she's gorgeous and super sweet and we love her!
Sugar is beautiful! What a drastic change in her! So kind of you to take her in, I know you have a little zoo yourself
Good grief, I wouldn't have known it was the same dog! What in the world are you feeding that thing :lol: She's beautiful!
Thanks y'all. She was a beauty while she was pregnant and while her nursing pups were still wee ones. This picture was taken in January. Once her pups weaned, she lost nearly all her fur (vet said hormones) and I was able to see just how skinny she had gotten. Got her spayed after the pups were gone and she sure isn't skinny now!
Nutro Natural Choice Lamb & Rice mixed with EVO Red Meat mixed with a little of my home cooked "canned" dog food.
Aw thanks Ready, but you are the one who really rescued her - i was just the temp before she found her forever home. Wish i could see the pics here at work, but will have to wait to get home to see them - can't wait. Thank you again, she had already won my heart before you got her but DH would have divorced me if i had brought her home:lol: You are right about her fur, it was so soft and she was so sweet just so scared but who could blame her - whoever dumped her will hopefully get their comearound quickly:-D