There is a state wide burning ban, we are in an extreme drought and Johnston county allows burning within 100 feet of occupied dwellings. Many other counties have extended the ban so there is no outdoor burning. But not Johnston county. I guess they have the resources to fight home fires started by drunken residents building bon fires in their backyards and shooting off fire works over their neighbors roofs. If this kind of mentality continues non of us will be able to afford home owners insurance in this county.
...the drunken resident in my neighborhood just threatens to shoot family pets... rather have to deal with a leaf pile burning than a drunk with a firearm...
Well, there is probably an X factor there. Most people who know of the statewide burn ban probably will assume that it means a complete ban. Most will not realize that the county has jurisdiction within 100 feet of your home and that the county makes those individual determinations. Hopefully, (fingers crossed) most who seek out the information on burning that close will take the added precautions to ensure their property. Aside from leaves or Christmas trees, most folks will likely only burn using a barrel and most (not all) have sense enough to use wire over the barrel to contain any flying debris.
i'd wager that "most" counties in nc don't have any further regs regarding the 100 feet. there are 100 counties in nc. most of them are rural. the ones with the "100 feet and in" rules are most likely the ones that have large metros, like mecklenburg, forsyth, or wake. just sayin
Actually, to legally burn in Johnston County, you must obtain a burning permit. As of yesterday, their website states that the county is not issuing those permits because there is a statewide burning ban in effect. Anyone burning in Johnston County at this time is breaking the law, but that is not stopping some idiots in my neighborhood (South Hills), and especially the one on Justin Drive, from stinking up the place. I will be calling the High Sheriff's office the next time that I see and smell it. These people need a good old $500.00 fine.
they're not breaking the law if it's within 100 feet of their occupied dwelling. By North Carolina law (G.S. 113-60.25 and 113.60.27), the ban prohibits all open burning statewide, regardless of whether a permit was issued. In addition to a $100 fine, people in violation of the open burning ban may have to pay court costs. The following are a few facts about the law regarding the ban on open burning: · The ban does not apply to a fire within 100 feet of an occupied dwelling. County fire marshals have jurisdiction of burning within 100 feet of an occupied dwelling. A campsite (for example a tent, recreational vehicle, pop-up trailer, etc.) is _not_ considered an occupied dwelling. The Division of Forest Resources has advised county fire marshals across the state of the burning ban and asked for their consideration of also implementing a ban on open burning. Mr. Chestnutt said it is not illegal in Johnston County to burn within 100 feet of a residence, but if anyone does burn this close to a home they run the risk of damaging their property
I'm in Southills, too...went out one morning a couple of weeks ago just before 7am and a neighbor (across the way) had a leaf pile in full flame...I guess he was either really efficient with his 'daily chores' or he was trying to get it done before he could get caught...The time I got aggravated was when a neighbor on my side of the road was burning up the undergrowth in the 'natural area' of his yard and the flames came into my yard. Still, sober with a fire is preferable to a drunk with a firearm...
That is insane....what kind of idiot just starts shooting at a house? Honestly, people are just stupid sometimes...
One of the main reasons to look at the WMPM website is to see the local bad guys. I love sending clips from that site to my far from NC friends. No one can ever believe the local nut jobs we have here. Only in JoCo.