This poor man, I hope they find out what happened to his dog. On second thought, maybe he is better off not knowing. :evil:
This is such a sad story. What has happened to people in general? Parents or no parents...a human being just does not do something like that. Grace
bizarre I personally think that 95% of kids nowdays do not have enough responsibility especially after school. This allows them time to get into trouble. When I was growing up on farm back in Fred Flintstone time, when we got home from school, we did something. It might be go to garden & work, go to a field & work, fill up fireplace & wood heater supplies, etc but we had jobs & didn't talk back to parents but once. Oh I do not remember getting any spankings cause we didn't have time or maybe imagination back in 50's & 60's. My grandkids are 10 & under and they help some around house. Even more when I pick them up from sitter before mom gets home. I say "fold up these towels, take these clothes to your room, etc." There is no reason for mom to have to do it when she gets home.
jjganny, I understand what you are saying but in today's world, I, as a parent try to pick and choose my battles. The No Child Left Behind Act has really put stress on children, teachers and parents. When you and I were in school once we took a test in a subject we moved on in that subject. In today's world children take a quiz, test and then later on the big old Exam (EOC or EOG). The pressure is that they have moved on since the beginning of the class and my daughter cannot remember everything from the very beginning of the class. I would not have been able to it either when I was growing up. I do agree that kids need to be kept busy. Parents work longer hours and travel...yes I know that working on a farm makes for long hours but the children worked near the parent. Here's a normal day in our family: up at 4:15 am three times a week for swim practice. Straight from practice to school, eating in the car. Remember these kids do not have time to go to lockers between classes so they are carrying around 40 to 45 lbs. on their back each day. We have snacks and gatorade in the bag as well because of medical conditions. School from around 7:30 am until 2:30 pm and then she heads back to the swimming pool (during high school swimming she is in the water from 3:00 pm until 6:30 pm...which includes her year round team). When the high school season is over she heads to a market to eat and do homework before getting back in the water at 4:00 pm. Swims until 6:30 pm or 7:00 pm if they have dry land. Swim meets for the high school happen one night during the week and we have to go from NC State to Campbell for these meets. Don't forget that these happen during the school week, not like varsity football, which is on a Friday night. This means she has to eat and do homework around the swim meet. Because she is a year round swimmer we have swim meets around the state that usually start on Fridays and end on Sundays. Homework is done with every second that is free. One might ask why we go through this. In today's world if a student wants to get on a school team they must be the best. Soccer, cheer leading, swimming, etc. are done year round and competed year round by these children. My child is also an officer of a major club at school and organizes activities for that club. Last year the big activity was a 30 hour fast for the children of Darfur (sp) and then cleaning up the sides of several roads that had trash up and down them. Everyone met at our house for this with the boys staying the night at a friend's house and the girls at our house. We wash and clean around all of the above. We study in the car, pool and house. We cook to supply meals for the week and freeze items. She is on a strict diet for swimming as other kids are for their sports and believe me most everyone I know is doing exactly what we are doing. Whether it is golf, track, soccer, etc. The teens who did this horrible thing to both owner and dog are not involved in much, IMHO. Yes, we have alot of stress in our family because of what we do but I think I would be more stressed out not knowing where my child was before or after school and I would wonder if they stay in school all day. These are lost children. We have a few that we know but I will tell you that they really do want a parent who is strict and makes sure they know where the kid is. In the past we have tried to help some of them to no avail. I do find that we failed as a family on several. My suggestion: we need to allow our kids to be kids. The stress placed on them is enormous and the No Child Left Behind Act really put that stress on each and every one of us. To get into college these days it is so competitive that a kid needs both an academic and athletic advantage. What is a child and/or parent to do? I know my parents think it is horrible how I am raising my child because of the swimming and all. They think her room should be dust free, her speech perfect, her manners the best and I tell them that she is not having sex, using drugs, abusing animals, etc. She uses swimming as her crutch to bow out of parties that she knows will get out of hand and when I suggest she tapper back a little she explains to her counselor and me all of her reasons. Which battle do I choose? Am I allowing her to compile the stress factor or not? I just don't know. All I know is that I love her with all of my heart and hope that she turns out to be as wonderful as she is today. Grace
Ya'll would have to come get me out of Jail if someone did that to Shelby. :evil::evil::evil: Seriously.
I was responding to the Poster before me and that they never had idle time. I got a little long winded as we are studying this weekend for the EOC and talk about stress. Idle time just does not make someone do something to an animal like this. Just rambling today........ Grace