Need a credit/debit card for KFC/Taco Bell? Anyone having to have credit/debit card for this fast food joint is in serious financial trouble. It not like it is a 4 star restaurant. A couple can dine there for less than $10.00. LOL
Um, no. Sometimes you just don't have cash on you. Geez, what an assumption. :roll: A debit card is linked directly to your checking account FYI. I don't like to use a debit card at a fast food place, but given the choice between using a debit card and having to go to an out of network ATM, I'll use the debit card.
Every time I go there with my daughter, I try so hard not to laugh at his voice. She cracks up so hard at him. Then when we pull around she is stretching from the back seat to see him. I have got her to stop pointing, but laughing is getting worse as she gets older and its hard to get on to her when I am straining myself not to laugh. LOL
Dude, don't be so judgemental :?! Don't usually carry cash. Burns a hole in my pocket. Using a debit card makes me think about what I'm going to purchase before I do it. Wish they'd hurry up and get set up, tho. Didn't read the thread before the Little One and I were shopping over there, so didn't know they weren't set up for cards yet. Frogger
Traveling with 2 toddlers and am alone most of the time, I don't like carrying cash except for alot of pocket change. I always use my card.
OMG....KFC BUFFET? you are kidding me right? I get the runs just riding by the place....I can't even imagine 'grazing' endlessly.... disgusting.:shock:
NO kidding....I think I'll just cut out the middle man, go through the drive-thru, get some food, just go straight to the bathroom and flush myself...
OMG I cannot believe you people are making fun of a mentally handicaped person! That is so wrong. And did you people even NOTICE that he always got your order right? Better than the "normal" people by a long shot!!!!
There is a difference, IMHO, between being amused by a person and making fun of that person. Cynical people just can't see the difference I guess. The Three Stooges amused us, didn't they? :-D
Kentucky Bell!! I guess I am among the 'rednecks' that a previous poster referred to because I was excited to see another choice on our exit!! We ate there last week while the family was all on Christmas Break. It was good...after all the turkey and dressing!! I hope everyone had a great Christmas/New Years! It is back to work for me tomorrow! URGH!
If you're like us, you like to have receipts for tax purposes. It's easier to remember to ask for one when you're using your debit card.
Eating at Taco Bell can be a tax write-off? ....that's about them most appealing thing I have ever heard about the place.:mrgreen: