What are you MOM's thinking???

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by ServerSnapper, Jan 7, 2008.

  1. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Who slipped the Vodka in your Appletini???

    What are your kids first names...I am asking because of the kids name on the www.4042.com newspage. Chason. You ladies are out of control!! What ever happened to the non clique names like. Mike, James, David, Earl, Bufford?? Now we have Chason, Chazz, Emory, Kai, jdshfkajsdhfkajsdhfkajsdhfkjaksdjfhkasjdfhk...Give me a break.
  2. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    Are you having a man period this morning?
  3. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    no...I am just astonished at what these moms think are popular. When in reality they are setting their little boys up with homophobic name slinging in their future.
  4. ForeverFaithful

    ForeverFaithful Well-Known Member

    At least we aren't naming our kids "Apple", "Friday", "Phinius" (sp...not sure if that is how Julia Roberts spells it or not), "Rumor" or any other of these types of names.

    Also, some people come from big families and don't want to give their kids a name that someone else has.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2008
  5. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Boy names....That are popular...

    1 Jacob
    2 Michael
    3 Joshua
    4 Matthew
    5 Ethan
    6 Andrew
    7 Daniel
    8 Anthony
    9 Christopher
    10 Joseph
    11 William
    12 Alexander
    13 Ryan
    14 David
    15 Nicholas
    16 Tyler
    17 James
    18 John
    19 Jonathan
    20 Nathan
    21 Samuel
    22 Christian
    23 Noah
    24 Dylan
    25 Benjamin
    26 Logan
    27 Brandon
    28 Gabriel
    29 Zachary
    30 Jose
    31 Elijah
    32 Angel
    33 Kevin
    34 Jack
    35 Caleb
    36 Justin
    37 Austin
    38 Evan
    39 Robert
    40 Thomas
    41 Luke
    42 Mason
    43 Aidan
    44 Jackson
    45 Isaiah
    46 Jordan
    47 Gavin
    48 Connor
    49 Aiden
    50 Isaac
    51 Jason
    52 Cameron
    53 Hunter
    54 Jayden
    55 Juan
    56 Charles
    57 Aaron
    58 Lucas
    59 Luis
    60 Owen
    61 Landon
    62 Diego
    63 Brian
    64 Adam
    65 Adrian
    66 Kyle
    67 Eric
    68 Ian
    69 Nathaniel
    70 Carlos
    71 Alex
    72 Bryan
    73 Jesus
    74 Julian
    75 Sean
    76 Carter
    77 Hayden
    78 Jeremiah
    79 Cole
    80 Brayden
    81 Wyatt
    82 Chase
    83 Steven
    84 Timothy
    85 Dominic
    86 Sebastian
    87 Xavier
    88 Jaden
    89 Jesse
    90 Devin
    91 Seth
    92 Antonio
    93 Richard
    94 Miguel
    95 Colin
    96 Cody
    97 Alejandro
    98 Caden
    99 Blake
    100 Carson

    The ones in Red are obviously not U.S. names.
  6. Grace Slick

    Grace Slick Well-Known Member

    I named my daughter a unisex name so that when she is in the professional world she would get the same initial courtesy that men do. I hate being in upper-management, having someone call me and then they end the conversation with thank you "honey". I always reply with a you are welcome "pumpkin". Worked my way up the ladder and want the same respect. I give it and don't want my daughter going through this.

  7. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Those names don't sound as rediculous as Chason, Aiden, Chaz, sdaklfjlaskdfjlaskdfjlaksdf,mnv,cx
  8. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    So you are setting your daughter up like Pat on Saturday Night live who partner name happens to be Stacy. Yeah Grace there seems to be so little Feminist in that reply.
  9. ForeverFaithful

    ForeverFaithful Well-Known Member

    Tyler would not be a US name? I could see Dominic not one. Well my son's name is 66th on the list and he has a friend who is named Zachary. What are the names in Blue?

    I know for us, we had a really hard time picking out names. There are 8 siblings in my mother's family and all the kids they have and grandkids, etc...it was tough.

    Grant it, there are some people that go overboard on what they name their kids. I did know a Chaz a long time ago.
  10. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    My sons names are #1 and #11 so I don't fit into what SS is raging over, but to each his own.
  11. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    I have a #51 and a #63. :)
  12. Beezor

    Beezor Well-Known Member

    It's called living in a free country. Dude get some caffeine this morning.
  13. ferrickhead28

    ferrickhead28 Well-Known Member

    Actress Shannon Sassamon (from the upcoming movie, "One Missed Call") named her boy, "Audio Science".
    (No, seriously).

    A friend of mine was pregnant 11 years ago. We prayed she would have a boy so she would name him "Michael".
    Nope, it was a girl.

    And her name was "Strawberry Summer".

    And yes, my friend's last name was "Fields".

    She calls her "Berry" now for short. Believe it or not, the kid has NEVER ONCE been made fun of for her name. All of her friends think its cool she has an unusual name!
  14. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    The names in Blue are the overboard names I am ranting about!! The red names are obvious!
  15. ForeverFaithful

    ForeverFaithful Well-Known Member

    I agree on the to each his own. Also, you can't just blame the mothers on this.....a lot of times fathers have a say also! I don't know too many fathers that have not had a say in what their kids are named. I know when my kids were named, me and my ex argued about names. I would find some names I liked and he didn't like them and visa versa.
  16. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

    No, the celebrity names sound WORSE.8)
  17. Grace Slick

    Grace Slick Well-Known Member

    You would certainly have to be a woman in the working world to understand. My mother certainly does not consider herself a feminist nor my father but both helped me decide on the name and the reasoning. Open up those purty eyes and look around. Even with common names, they are spelled way different than when I was born. My father named me a "common" name so that I would not have to spell it all of the time. He never dreamed that the name he gave me is spelled so many ways now. Go figure.

    To each their own...and why the blue on some names?

  18. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    No your wrong punk!:mrgreen: just kidding
  19. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Duh duh duhduh duh dahduh duh duh dah
  20. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member


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