DH got a speeding ticket now what?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by mumded, Jan 7, 2008.

  1. mumded

    mumded Active Member

    DH got a ticket yesterday while he was out on his motorcycle. He was going more than 15mph over the speed limit so he got a court date. From what I have been reading it appears the best thing to do is get an attorney. Is this true? We moved here from MA and there you just pay a fine unless you want to fight it. Can anyone tell me exactly what he needs to do and if they know of a good and reasonably priced attorney. He was pulled over in Wake County by Garner police. Thank you so much.

  2. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Yes. Get an attorney~!
  3. Clif

    Clif Guest

    Actually the best thing is for him to do is to admit he broke the law and pay the fine.
  4. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Ask for driving school. Then you will not get any points.
  5. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    PFJ - Prayer For Judgement, it will save you the "points" that would be otherwise assessed. Not sure if its license and insurance, or just license points.

    You can only use it once every 3 years, and if you get another ticket in that time, they will go back and assess the points for this one. When he goes to court, he can mention it to the Asst. D.A. and ask him to explain how it works.
  6. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    You don't have to get a lawyer, have him go to court on the court date, speak with the DA, and the DA will suggest a Prayer for Judgement ...the judge will grant (providing this isn't a pesky habit) and he'll pay the court cost ($110 I think but its written on the back of the ticket) and the fine. He'll have to be a good boy for three years, using a Prayer for Judgement, and your insurance won't go up either.

    Good Luck.
  7. mumded

    mumded Active Member

    Yes he was wrong to speed. But the fact that it appears you can avoid getting insurance points and such by hiring a lawyer is far to appealing. Has anyone ever gone through the process? I guess what I am asking is can anyone give me a step by step process of what we should be doing. I have read on this forum and city-data that the lawyer will go to court for you, is that correct? And that they charge anywhere from 150-500$. I told him about the PFJ (prayer for judgement (i think that is right)) and he said he wouldn't use that unless he had to. It also seems like you can get the ticket down to 9mph over the limit rather easily, does that mean you don't need the lawyer for that? Or is that just for tickets that were for 15mph over the limit. I am confused, but would appreciate any help you could offer up. Thanks.

  8. mumded

    mumded Active Member

    In all honesty I am not sure he can be good for 3 years. We just moved here 6 months ago. Although maybe he should get the new motorcycle he wants at least it has cruise and he can set it to not speed.:)
  9. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    I have had many, many tickets, never paid money for a lawyer, never had my insurance go up but for one. I personally didn't have the extra money for the lawyer.....

    I am sure there is someone on here that has used a lawyer and can help.
  10. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Umm it's going tyo cost you minimum 300.00 max 600.00 for an attorney. But that is cheaper than the insurance point.
  11. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

  12. emmalu

    emmalu Active Member

    My family and I have been here almost two years and my dh got a speeding ticket last March. About a week later we received about 5 or 6 letters from attorneys offering to represent him. My advice is if it is his first ticket hire the lawyer have him get it reduced to 9 mph over the speed limit. We were told that prayer for judgment should be used as a last resort because it is per household. Meaning you can't get a ticket in the next 3 years either. The entire thing plus court cost was $225.00. Good luck
  13. mumded

    mumded Active Member

    I told him he has to slow down. Any info you can give me would be great Ken thank you.

  14. mumded

    mumded Active Member

    It is his first ticket here. He had gotten some previously in MA but it was quite a few years ago.
    Sounds like the attorney is the thing to do but I was hoping someone could suggest one if they have had to use one before.

    Last edited: Jan 7, 2008
  15. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    It shouldn't cost more than $300.00 for the attorney, and sometimes that covers court cost. DH has had two in the last couple of months and we just paid an attorney to deal with it for us. No points on license or insurance 8)
  16. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    If this is his first ticket in NC he could ask for a prayer for judgement. Pay the fines and if the judge is in a good mood he'll reduce it and be done with it.
  17. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    I have used PJC twice in my past speeding career and never thought of it as a last resort...guess I am the only one it has EVER worked for, and didn't have to shell out any money or have any insurance points.

    amazing how we all have completely different experiences (and opinions) with the EXACT same system.:confused:

    and just for the record, I have been speeding ticket free for 4 years now. I have been rehabilitated. :mrgreen:
  18. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    PJC would be my vote.
  19. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    They have worked for me that's all.
  20. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    This is all great advice, but as an insurance agent, let me offer my two cents.

    Any tickets you or your husband have rec'd in the past three years, will carry to NC, more than likely.

    You have three "do it yourself" options:

    1) Pay the ticket, get the points, your insurance will go up.

    2) Ask the DA to reduce the ticket to 9 over, pay the fine, your insurance will not go up, UNLESS you've had prior moving violations in the past three years, or you get another moving violation in the next three years (this is you, and anyone else in your household.)

    3) Ask for a PJC, pay the fine and your insurance will not go up, UNLESS you or anyone in your household gets another moving violation in the next three years.

    In all honesty, if you know your husband is going to be the type of driver who gets tickets on a frequent basis, you should hire an attorney who can make the ticket go away. But, do not pay an attorney to do either of the three options that you can do for yourself.

    And lastly, if you still aren't sure, call your insurance agent. Any good agent in NC will tell you exactly what I've said and will be more than happy to talk to you. If they aren't let me know, and I'll find you one that will.

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