DH got a speeding ticket now what?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by mumded, Jan 7, 2008.

  1. Your husband should be more careful, I've taken care of motorcycle crash survivors, or amputees, as they were known. The faster he is going, the worse he can be hurt! No one else on the road is looking out for him, so he needs to look out for himself.

    A police officer friend of mine told me he does not have "quotas", but, if he does not give out x number of tickets, he is told he is not doing his job.
  2. Grace Slick

    Grace Slick Well-Known Member

  3. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

  4. Dawn

    Dawn Well-Known Member

    Gosh, that was a lot of advice. One more piece that will help you in court, whether you have an attorney or not is: when you do get pulled, never argue with the officer and DO be polite. The officer will be in court with you and it's best to not have ticked them off. I know, it's like pouring salt into a wound but you wouldn't believe the stuff I have gotten out of just by having a sense of humor with the officers and NOT treating them as if they are my enemy. Oh, and when they say "Do you know why I pulled you?" - don't respond "No officer". You know that you know why you were pulled and he/she knows you know why you were pulled.

    I know that they are to protect me as well as others and I am not perfect, so I have gotten pulled.....I do heed their warning (at least for a day or so). I am in there with Tassy and HG. :jester:
  5. mumded

    mumded Active Member

    That is exactly what DH has encountered and he has almost that much mileage on his bike also. He isn't on a rice rocket either he's is on his Harley, so he isn't fooling around zipping in between traffic or doing wheelies(which I saw 2 people do on 70 the other day).

    He was very polite when the officer pulled him over,had all his info ready for him and everything. He knows he messed up and didn't give him a hassle.
  6. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Just don't go to court.....Don't get an attorney, run to Mexico and live off of bean burritos un dlay!!
  7. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    Well I'd say we are all idiots then. I know I speed at times!

    Clif, with you saying if people speed they are idiots, or rather if someone we know speeds and we don't stop them, we are idiots, because we have never lost anyone to speeding...be the same boat a lot of us argue when it comes to children being molested? Those of you that's been around and have seen the post, know what I'm talking about.
  8. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    I have the pedal to the metal all the time...so move it sister(Clif)!
  9. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    Mostly everyone does speed at some point. Some are more deliberate than others. I found out years ago, that I was just better off with a detector. A relative of mine was a Motor Carrier officer for quite awhile and he told me that I was going to get a ticket if I got stopped for speeding with it. Well, that's the whole point of having a detector. The State handed out 400,000+ speeding tickets in 2006. How many of those recipents likely had a detector? Very few. The point is if you speed (even accidently) and cross over the threshold of tolerance, you're going to get stopped if caught and then you're at the mercy of the officer to either give you a warning or cite you. I simply choose to intervene on my own behalf with further protection. I maintain more control in that circumstance. Sure, if I slip up and get caught speeding with a radar detector, I will get a ticket and it will be noted for any court appearance. However, there isn't any guarantees I'm getting any leniency anyway. I'll take my chances. Its worked for 17 years.
  10. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

  11. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Faster than a speeding ......um. :neutral::confused:
  12. Clif

    Clif Guest

    No, I didn't say all speeders were idiots, I said tassy was an idiot. I said all those who speed are potential murderers.

    Now you are confusing admitted with accused. Which, of course, makes you an idiot too. No, I'm wrong. You aren't an idiot, but unfortunately, since this is the "Discussion Group" side, I can't tell you what you are. Let's just say that it ends in "hole".

    If you weren't such an, um, "hole", you would remember that I am consistent in saying that, child molesters who are guilty should be, well, executed isn't good enough for them. But, hey, why let facts get in the way of such ignorance, right?

    But, since you are such a, you know, "hole", all you see is that I have this outlandish idea that people should actually be tried in a real court of law before y'all gather up the pitchforks and torches, and to you that means I am in favour of child molesting.

    Yep, you're an... well, you know.
  13. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    Nope, Clif...you're the "hole". Anyone that calls you on the carpet and doesn't agree with you is an idiot, or as you just proved "hole". I didn't call you one name, but you can't play unless you are below the belt.

    My reference to the child molesters, well was you always say they served their time now leave them alone. You say we should let them be "tried in a real court of law", but were going to take a baseball bat to a speeder....


    Oh, and I bet if we take a poll of who is the biggest "hole" between you and I, we'll you'd win that prize!
  14. ws

    ws Well-Known Member

    this is always funny. my brother in a cop and this is NOT TRUE
  15. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Woman I work with in Michigan is married to an officer and said it is true, at least up there.
  16. Josey Wales

    Josey Wales Well-Known Member

    If you think for one minute that someone isn't watching the revenue stream from tickets and making sure it continues to flow on a regular basis ..call it quotas or whatever ...you're dumb as a box of rocks.

    We had this same discussion back in October and McIver made this statement: You would be suprised but the majority of people do obey the speed limit laws, especially when they are in front of a police car.

    If anyone here thinks that most people obey the speed limits, please speak up.
  17. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I have an aunt who works in the court room as a bailiff in a county in Southwest Virginia. She told us over Christmas that the state gov't actually sent a rep. to the county to ensure that there was an alternate place to hold court in case something happened to the actual court house. The county in question sends around a million dollars a month to the state coffers in ticket money, the highest in the state of VA, including the areas around DC. I watch out of state cars speed through there and laugh, because if the state trooper don't get you, the county mounty around the next curve will. Last time home over Christmas, I counted 6 troopers in less than a 10 mile stretch.

    Is it a revenue generator? You bet your ***.
  18. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    I'm an idiot, and you're so perfect and right all the time that you are right next to godliness and cleanliness (you know how they old folks say cleanliness is next to godliness) .. so we're even then :mrgreen:

    I like SB's idea of the "'hole" poll? Hahah... that rhymes... I'd bet money you'd come out on top of that one Clif!! :jester:
  19. My friend is a police officer in Garner. Hasn't your brother told you they don't like being called "cops"?
  20. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    I'm sure the Garner Police have been called worse. They may have changed, but a few years ago, I had heard from more than one source that some elements within the Garner Police Department could really be hard to deal with at times. I took all that with a grain of salt and then lo and behold, I had my own encounter where one of their officers must have had a bad day or something. Tried to falsely accuse me of driving a ridiculous number over the speed limit when he had just entered the road behind me and my speed was no more than 5-8 mph over constant. That is until he came charging up behind me. He rode me so close (REAL CLOSE) that I couldn't even see his hood in my rearview. And it wasn't to read my license plate.

    If police officers, in general, didn't like the term cops then why did the TV show have such a successful run all those years with full support of the departments they rode with? Its an individual thing. I think some are okay with it; some don't like it. To me, its a silly, superficial thing. The term "cop" has been around for years and is not always used in disrespect.

    Your friend, native Tarheel, may be a good law enforcement officer and I extend him the benefit of the doubt. Plus, that was a few years ago. Things may be different now.

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