Johnston County Schools out after MLK

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by KellBell, Jan 7, 2008.

  1. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    Ya think???? ;):-D
  2. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

  3. Grace Slick

    Grace Slick Well-Known Member

    It is my belief, whether true or not, that all of us value the service that anyone working in education does. Some may not remember seeing a car at a school after 3:30 pm but I do think those have forgotten that Open House, Book Fares, Counseling, Tutoring, Orientation, etc. all take place before or after the alloted school hours. And, those of us not in this system do not understand the hours it takes when one gets home to develop a lesson plan, read papers, grade papers, etc. I hold no grudge toward the teachers whatsoever and I don't think the majority Posting here do either.

    My daughter and I are stressed with the EOCs as are the teachers. I ranted and raved yesterday due to this. My expression on her writing skills and grammar are just based on what the teachers are allowed to teach in todays world.


    I cannot nor will I speak for everyone who Posted but I do think some of us just voiced our frustrations in general. I could not do the job that these wonderful people do because I would kill someone for sure. Please know that I was really venting. If we can just get through today and another EOC tomorrow another will come. That is how we are looking at it today, in our house.

  4. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    Grace, what are EOC's? what does that stand for?
  5. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

  6. Clif

    Clif Guest

  7. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

  8. Grace Slick

    Grace Slick Well-Known Member

    Yep. You have the End of Class (EOC) and the End of Grade (EOG) tests. Sorry that I did not type it out.

  9. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

    Why in the world would anyone sweat or be stressed over EOC's or EOG's? There is no reason for it. Take the test and flunk, guess what? You get to take it again. Flunk again and i think you get to take it once more. Flunk it again and you can get together with the teacher and principal and pull out some of the years work and argue that your child does not do good on tests.....and you can still be promoted to the next grade.

    So with this kind of testing system...why would you worry about it?

    Its so easy, even Serversnapper can do it.

    My son, 6th grade, doesnt sweat these tests at all because i told him they are useless..which they are. Any test that is not a definite pass/fail on the first try, in my opinion, is useless. He studies for them sure...but does not get all worked up over them.

    Hasnt had a problem with any of them yet.
  10. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    After reading this yesterday, I thought there is NO WAY this is going on. So last night I called my niece about baby sitting for me this weekend. Anyways she is in the 10 th grade straight A's really great student and I asked her if she could write in cursive. She said NO not really. She said she can a little but everything she writes is mostly printed or typed! She said they didn't learn it but for maybe a week or two in like 3rd grade. I was shocked but she said most teachers do not want it written in cursive cause they may not be able to read it . So I reacon it's a Joco thing because my other niece is in another county and she can write in cursive.
  11. Grace Slick

    Grace Slick Well-Known Member

    What a belly laugh. We have discussed this process many times at our house. Yes, one takes the EOC, if they do not pass, they take the EOC again and if they do not pass it that time they get tutored and take the test again. I come from the old school and when I read that on the paperwork and whatnot I thought I would pass out. I believe my daughter wants to pass he first time because she would be embarrassed to go through the whole process. My contention is that she should already know the information and not be thinking of the "stupid" process.

  12. ForeverFaithful

    ForeverFaithful Well-Known Member

    My frustration does not really fall on all the teachers...It is how the school systems do things any more. I get frustrated over the fact that kids cannot do the basics any more and depend so much on electronics to do everything for them, this includes my own. I do what I can to make them self sufficiant when it comes to things, including reading, writing, math, etc and depend so much on all the electronic gadgets. When I see High Schoolers that cannot do basic math or struggle with reading, it just upsets me. When I subbed, I did become more appreicative of teachers, although I respected them before, but much more so, well most of them. I have dealt with teachers that just didn't seem to care and all they did was complain about their job. I know for me, there is not way that I could be a full time teacher. I would have over half the kids strung up by their toes!!!
  13. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Don't know if I want to get in this one - but I agree.
  14. JC-native

    JC-native Well-Known Member

    A teacher in Johnston county with a bachelors degree and 10 years experience makes $38,710 plus a county supplement of $2,903.25 which is paid in two checks. 6% of the salary ($2,496.80) is deducted for retirement. They get health coverage for themselves only. They get 6 weeks of unpaid leave in the summer. This is why there are lines of people at the county office everyday banging on the doors begging to get a teaching job.
    That's the reason for the long lines. Everybody wants a cushy teaching job so they can go home at 3:30.
    Yea, the flood of traffic pouring out of Raleigh at 4:30pm everyday is people rushing home to do their homework.
    But you make much more than teachers. Would you do it everyday for $47,500/year, or $42,000/year plus 6 weeks unpaid leave? If so, get in line with everyone else dying to be a teacher.

    Teachers love to nurture kids more than they love money, and we the consumers take advantage of that. We do the same for policemen. How many of you would be shot at for $40,000/year? Not me! Unless there's a shortage of workers in your chosen field comparable to that of teaching, then your job doesn't compare with teaching.
  15. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member

    I know right! And I bet they have telepathic ablities as well. They knew there was a calander change on 12-7-07 without getting a notice from the school or from a local message board.

    I for one don't have those abilities. And am greatful for my buds on here lookin' out for me "the forgetful mom".

    Here's to you Mr. Telepathic school calander knower. Real men of genius.

    Thanks you guys! :cheers:
  16. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    and.....Look how I turned out!!
  17. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    Damn !
  18. ForeverFaithful

    ForeverFaithful Well-Known Member

    I use to work with a guy whose wife is a techer and he told me that she can get paid during the summer months, but she has to make allowances for some money to be taken from her paycheck to carry her over in the summer (meaning she will still draw a check during the summer months). Now this person is in Wake county, is Johnston county any different?

    As far as yearly salary...I make less that what teacher make per year and I have to work 12 months out of a year and no summer off, with or without pay. If I took the summer off without pay, I would make a whole lot less.

    I don't think anyone is really coming down on teachers, it is the system, at least for me. I give teachers credit for their dedication and know they have to follow the ciriculum (sp) they are given, bud doesn't mean I have to like the ciriculum. As far as days the kids are ouit of school, grant it, NC does not have the weather that we had in KS when I was growing up, but NC does not allow for any bad weather days without having the kids make them up. When I was growing up, so many days were added into our calendar year to allow for bad weather and if we got it, great, we had days we could use, but it not, we ended up going a few extra days, but still got out of school when we were suppose to and didn't loose anything off of Christmas break or Easter.

    Can I ask what the TA's are suppose to do? When I subbed for a couple, I really didn't do too much of anything....make some copies, put some things together, listened to the teacher teach, helped a few students and that was about it. I did have one teacher have me grade some papers for her and get some notes ready to go home for parents, but for the most part, I didn't do a whole lot.
  19. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    Is FF's use of the term 'grant it' instead of 'granted' getting on anybody else's nerves? :jester: I wouldn't mind it SO much, except she keeps using it over and over, LOL.
  20. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    There is an option for teachers to get paid over a 10 month pay year, or a 12 month. Either way, the salary is the same, just divided into 10 or 12.

    Good TAs are effective extenders for the teacher. Not all teachers have TAs. TAs are required to drive buses. SO imagine your having to get up a 430 or 5 or so to get ready to drive the bus, then assist a teacher every day, and drive the bus again, then go home. At, let's be honest folks, kids just don't behave as well as they used to on the bus.

    It might interest you to know that we have at least one principal who started out as a TA, went back to school on their own dime, became a teacher, back to school and is now a principal.

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