congrats to the department on getting tax-free loan status from the county. looks like they'll be starting construction on station 2 soon! heard them say it's about a half mile from cleveland sch rd/42. land was donated to them at least a year ago. they're borrowing 1.6 mil, y'all. go buy a plate of chicken the next time they have a fundraiser
You must have seen us on a good day! Thanks for all the support. We should begin construction within the next couple of months!!
$$$$$$ so you think calendars will sell better than chicken plates? (i smell a new fundraiser!) look out ladies!!!LOL!
Our local guys on calendars would be terrific!!! (and last longer than a bbq plate!!) :lol::lol::lol:
Better a fire fighter for dinner with the winner...half the proceeds can go to a good cause
just happened to be at the county commisioner's meeting yesterday, that's all. was happy for you guys. my best friend for the last 20 years has been fire/rescue for 25 years, and his wife of 12 years is second generation ems. i'm sympathetic toward firefighters, and think you deserve every break the county can give you and every accolade the citizenry can express. while i dont' live in your district, my family and i use the area frequently and may need your services in the future (hope not, but you know what i mean). just letting people know that you are going to have a better presence in the 40/42 area and that you need and deserve our support. oh, and congrats to the four oaks guys on the new tanker they're gettin in march
Hey Cleveland....maybe I could offer that as a sales bonus on a real estate property? Surely that would motivate any buyer!
Yep, calender and the profits would come rolling in. Hey, after 2 light fixtures catching fire a few weeks ago & one of the kids almost setting the garage on fire(accidentally), I am all for another station--LOL. So guys, when do the calenders go on sale??? Good luck and thanks for a job well done! Stephanie--mom to 7
I agree...each month have a coupon for a local business (like the Chick fil a), which of course the business pays you guys for advertisement. Another idea...maybe sell bricks. People can donate a set amount of money and a brick in the building will have their name on it. You can do different levels, etc.... Like $100.00 buys a brick on the back of the building, where $500.00 would buy one that can be seen, etc.
So when they gonna fix up that old firetruck behind the station ? I'd like to have that one just to ride around town in.
old engine 1 funny you mentioned the original engine! we are in the process of restoring it now. its been back from the mechanic for a couple of months now and its next in line to go out to piedmont correctional facility for the final restoration process i spoke to the head of the automotive dept and he said they should be ready for it around nov-dec the cleveland firefighters association is restoring the engine with the monies raised from the picture drive that is going on now! i think we are going to try and design a t-shirt and put it out for sale to the public so anyone thats wants one can stop by the station a pick one up (BY THE WAY WE WILL BE CELEBRATING OUR 50th ANNIVERSARY IN 2011 AND THATS WHEN WE WILL RE-DEDICATE THE ENGINE BACK TO THE DEPT)