My thoughts ... it was a natural disaster. There is apparent risk when you choose to live in a costal area.
the stupid hurricane was an act of God and nature not anything man made... If man caused it then he should pay for it, but no one should ask for compensation for something mother nature did. If they were too broke to have freakin insurance then they start over and shut up. They don't need to get all sorts of money because they want a 60 inch plasma tv instead of what they had.
It appears they are suing the government because the levees failed and were not built correctly, not because of the hurricane. OK, so I can see if the levees were built wrong and not up to par I too would be PO's. However, I do not think they should receive any $$$ because they chose to live there AND they were worned there was a hurricane coming and THEY KNEW that where they lived was below sea level.
I am sorry but when you live in a city that is BELOW sea level.. Stuffs going to happen. Poop does roll down hill.
"The trauma these people have undergone is unlike anything that has occurred in the history of our country." That's cute. Bless their little hearts. :lol:
I know it...isn't that so sad :nopity:.... geesh those people facing those wildfires, being evacuated from their home, having to live in those big shelters/convention centers in CA had it EASY!!!! No loss of life or everything you own there huh???????? And hey...they had it EVEN EASIER in CA BECAUSE at least they were taken by perhaps a couple hours surprise NOT 4 or 5 days!!!!!!
:lol: nice! You know... I'm probably going to hell for saying this... but It's a damn shame more of those idiots didn't die in that hurricane. Ok... I'm going to go say a few prayers for finally speakin' my mind.
You folks do realize that the city predates the levies (not just these but the ones before them) and that because we choose to exploit that highway from Minnesota and Ohio all the way down to the gulf that the natural flood and hurricane protections are no longer there. Do you realize that every year the city sinks further and further because of this and that these people were promised that everything was OKYDOKEY?
I understand that, but if my house floods tomorrow, gets blown away in a tornado, burns to the ground, etc. and I DON'T have you think Uncle Sam is going to write me a big 'ol check?? I think not, I think I will be SOL.
If they were responsible should you not get some compensation? Upfront, those people that went through it probably feel they she get a Billion dollars each, but that is not realistic and they do not deserve it.
Were they? My ex boss was from NO and all he talked about was what a dump that place was and it was sinking so many inches every year, how rocks here rise to the top, there they sink, etc. Was he the only one who had the inside scoop and enough sense to move?
I have been there. It was crowded when I was there. Bunch of drunks fun to visit but nobody with any sense would live there.