I know! God knew what he was doing when he gave me a boy! Mine informed me he needed a hair cut this morning. It's a buzz cut! It's not long by any means, but it's time to get it done again, LOL.
Mine are working the long shaggy I need a bath look these days, which drives me crazy. However, I told them if they kept straight A's and kept their hair clean and groomed, it was a deal. I actually am getting used to it....they look so handsome. The days of the buzz cut were my fav though.
My nephews are all doing the long hair thing and I don't much like it. You can't even see thier eyes. :lol: DS's hair won't be able to be grown out like that though, he's got a double crown in the back and a cow lick in the front, also very straight and very thick. A hair stylist's nightmare. :lol:
mine have the double crown too, both of them....they have good hair. thick with a wave, I keep it thinned out and shaped up (they go with me to my hairstylist) and out of their eyes....kinda swooped to the side....the Zac Effron look so to speak, from High Schoo Musical...so we are at a happy compromise....its not going to just grow tobe long, it has to be well groomed, part of the Mommy rule....8)
Yep ... I'm kinda fond of my boy too If sock issues are the biggest problem we have ... then I'll just have to consider myself a lucky Mom. My son is 8. He really wanted blond highlights in his hair. Cleaning his room is not usually one of his favorite tasks ... but we made a deal that if he could keep his room clean, I would let him get the highlights. He was so Happy when he finally got to have his hair done. He spent a tremendous amount of time standing in the mirror after his hair appointment talking about how good he looked. He's just too cute
There you go! Bet they look cute! Poor DS's hair hasn't got a bit of bend to it at all, just like Mom's! Stiff and straight as a poker. Going to get mine permed for body this week hopefully. :mrgreen:
that made me laugh out loud....you are funny. And Melynda, it's never to early to teach good grooming habits....(referring to your boy spending all that time on his hair)