Anal gland problems? My little one (mixed Yorkie) 6.5 lbs, 6 yrs old, has had a time with this lately. She's had this problem off and on since she was around 6 months old - maybe 1-2 times per year at the most. Since November we have been to the vet 7 times to have the glands expressed. She goes all to pieces over any "little" thing, just her nature - but this really makes her uncomfortable. We were at the vet Friday morning and today she snapping at her tail so I'm thinking another vet visit - not to mention $23 each time the glands are expressed. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
You can express the glands yourself, it really isn't hard at all, just a little gross. My groomer taught me how to do it because my dog was having some problems a while back. If you want details about how to do it I'll be happy to tell you in a PM.
Ready, I've tried to express them myself, and just don't know how I guess and afraid I might hurt her more - but yes please pm me
That is just nasty. :ack::ack::ack::ack: A bigger dog has bigger stinkey's so no problems here. going to puke now.
I understood that it is a problem due to not eliminating fully. I wonder if some added fiber would cause her to complete the job herself.:lol::lol::lol:
I have her on the Nutro - Natural Choice and it's whole grain, high fiber - the whole 9 yards Believe me we tried everything we know to do as in all my 30 years of owning a dog this has never been a problem with my dogs until now. Help Sorry if this made you puke HG - It may be nasty but it has to be taken care of
My mom wants a little dog - I said NO - I'm goin to get her a huge dog! :lol::lol: btw, i didn't puke, i shoud though... :ack: can't even imagine.
I Googled this topic and came across The Anal Sacs Page - an interactive web site about dog's anal glands! :ack: :mrgreen: