WASHINGTON — Parents should not give sniffling babies and toddlers over-the-counter cough and cold medicines — they're too risky for tots so small, the U.S. government will declare Thursday. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,323391,00.html
No joke! I had to clean out just about a whole cabinet full of this stuff. But my doc did give me some pretty good stuff for baby koo's sniffles and coughs. :mrgreen:
To much government ... ...again because a few abuse/misuse ... everyone will have to pay for a doctor visit when their child gets the sniffles. My guess is the Pediatric Associations are driving this. Even the meds the doctor prescribes have potential side effects.
ncmom, I'm not trying to start anything here, but why do you have to take the child when he/she has the sniffles? I have 3 sons, and never take them to the dr for a cold. The only time I will is if there's a fever, or it lasts for a long time, or a fever, because of ear infections/sinus infections.
Oh, and I haven't used child's cold medicine in years either...The only thing we use is delsum for coughs, and that stuff works great. But it's not for young ones, I think it's maybe ages 6 and up.
It's a conspiracy! When they are too little to blow their own noses, you should have SOMETHING to help them out. And those FDA people can blow that saline solution and humidifier thing right out their hineys!
I'm with ncmom on this one. I'm a responsible adult, who knows how to READ a dosage on a bottle. I've given DS cold medicine to make him more comfortable, never had a problem other than him chucking up the children's Tylenol because of the red dye. Guess what?? I didn't give him children's Tylenol anymore. I see a whole lot of sleepless nights for kids and parents coming up. Glad DS is old enough that I don't have to deal with this, I feel sorry for those of you that are. A kid with a snotty nose who can't sleep is such a joy. Yes, I know there are home remedies, but I'm sorry, I don't think they work as well as the appropriate dose of a cold medicine. It's a bunch of hogwash.
I used to try all the cold meds when my oldest was born (8 years ago) and never found anything that worked, so I gave up. When my second was born I asked the pharmacist about it (3 years ago) and she told me to never give anyone under 2 a cold medicine, because nothing works. I figured she wouldn't lie, since she has nothing to lose by selling it to me.
Scoot over, I'm right there with you. You posted this while I was putting my thoughts together. It's a load of horse manure.
It doesn't work for some kids, not all, and I resent someone taking mine and my kids choice away. If you don't want to give it to your kid, that's fine.
OK so I too have to tend to agree with ncmom and kdc.....I have a friend that is a pharmacist. I asked her about this and her comment was....it is the idiotic parents who give the kids too much, or give them several different kinds at the same time....it isn't the medicine, that has been around for years. Granted my kids aren't under 2 anymore they are 2 and 3 but I will still give them 1 tsp (with the dropper) 2 or 3 times a day. However, we as parents have to raise our children with the way we see fit. If we listened to all the garbage out there....man these kids these days will grow up in a bubble!!!
My children typically go to the doctor maybe once or twice a year...of course more when they were babies/toddlers for shots, checkups. SO ... we don't run to the dr. for sniffles. However, when they have a stuffy nose or cough I want to be able to provide them with some relief WITHOUT having to run to the dr. office to get medicine. I wonder how many children will now suffer because the parent won't or cannot afford to take their child to the doctor to treat symptoms that left untreated will lead to more serious issues. For example ... if I treat my seasonal stuffy nose as soon as it starts with something OTC ... I'm fine. If not ... leads to issues with my throat and some times broncitis.
I do agree, it is very irresponsible of parents to overdose their kids...but why is it that is just seems to be cold medicines? You don't hear them saying they're pulling infants motrin or tylenol (just examples) due to this same thing...is it because the cold meds don't work, so they're giving more? Either way, no matter what, you should never give more than what it says, that's just wrong! Anyone with half a brain knows to follow instructions when giving anyone especially young kids/babies, medicine!
Totally agree with that. I think it is because of a couple of the ingredients in them that are not in the regular tylenol, I don't know the name of them right now and too lazy to look it up... The problem that is arising from this is some parents don't have those brains!!! (Or when one cold medicine isn't working right away, they give a different kind 1 hour later, thereby overdosing their kid!!!)
Rondek - I believe that's how it's spelled. I've tried the Tylenol cold & Little Colds on baby koo... all it does it put her to sleep but still coughs and snores until choking. I get the prescrips from the Doc, that way I know the dose is right b/c of weight. And they work. There was another one that Kiddo used when he was a younger. It's a purple pill and when he was baby koo's age it was a purple liquid but I can't remember it for the life of me. I swore by that one too. But here in recent months Rondek has been my savor as far as cough and congestion goes. <dern-it... it's right on the tip of my tounge and I can't remember what it is.... ugh I hate that>:lol:
My aunt did that. When I was babysitting... she would say, if they dont' go to sleep by 9pm give them 1/2 tsp of this. They were like 5 & 8 yo.:lol: