Categories:Pets & SuppliesNo PhotoAd Number:79525Date Posted:01/15/2008Contact:LOST CHILDRENS DOG BENSON/ 210 Area, NC Telephone:E-Mail:Reply to Ad Web Site: Description I am placing this ad for a good friend and their children whos dearly loved Boxer/Pit Cross Female has been picked up by someone mistaking her as a stray around the 4000 block on OLD FAIRGROUND RD, just a few miles from Creech's Convenient store at the corner of 210 & Old Fairground. She was picked up just before Christmas & their are 4 very heartbroken Children who still miss her very much and look for her to come home every day. She is their playmate and their guardian. They want very much to find her! She is Dark Chocolate, with minimal white markings on her chest & paw, she did have on a collar. If you have seen her or know where she is PLEASE contact me. There will be NO QUESTIONS asked, I am just a friend trying to find the dog of some very broken hearted children. PLEASE email me even if you just THINK you may have her or have seen her.....any information will be helpful! Thank you and God bless you all for assisting us. I would love to surprise her children by finding their much loved buddy!!! This dog is VERY special to them, due to the fact that this dogs Mother passed away not long she is their last puppy from a much loved & missed Momma dog. She is around 2 yrs old.THANKS once again. This was in the classifieds! Keep your eyes and ears open!
Here is another one that was posted today. :-( [FONT=arial,helvetica]Description My dog has been missing since Saturday. He was last seen in Benson on BH Parrish Road..He is a brown miniature daschund with a red collar..He goes by the name Buck..He is very dear to our family and me and my kids miss him very much..He has been known to have seizures and he is on special diet..He can not have any food that has color dye on it, it will trigger his seizures.. so please if anyone has found our dog please bring him home..Please contact Chas @ 625-9618 if you have any information on this dog..He is greatly missed..[/FONT]
I'm not too convinced that some of these dogs are missing because they've wondered off or were mistakenly picked up as strays. I think that there are people out there grabbing these dogs on purpose, what that purpose is I can't say. If the dog looks like a pitbull, then I'd shutter to think about what they'd want the dog for. We had a recent experience with our own dog just a couple of weeks ago. My husband was working on the outside of the house, his best buddy tagging along minding his own business in the yard which faces the road when the barking starts up, at this time my husband was hidden by the shrubbery of the house, he stands up in time to see a car driving very slowly by the front yard while our dog stands there barking at them. Our dog does not have a habit of barking at cars but for whatever reason he felt threaten by this one. When they saw my husband they took off fast. All of this brought back memories of 20 years ago when living around the same area we had two dogs taken from the yard while I was inside cooking dinner, they were returned 6 weeks later malnurished and week. We believe because they were Labs, that someone thought they were trained to hunt because the time of year was bird hunting season, but they were just big babies for us. The vet said that it did look as if they'd been worked hard due to their inflamed muscle mass. Needless to say, we are extremely careful with the babies we have now.
That is SO scary. I was worried about the boxer/pit mix for the same reason but I hadn't heard many recent reports about other breeds being stolen.
Pets & Supplies Ad Number:79648Date Posted:01/16/2008Contact:Sharlene Whispering Pines Subdivision clayton, nc 27520 Telephone:919-550-4187 E-Mail:Reply to Ad Web Site: Description Kyra (Honey brown pure breed chow) adult female. Lost from whispering pines subdivision on December 31. Here's another one -a Chow Chow. :cry:
Years ago, I had an uncle that's beloved dog was stolen out of his fenced in backyard. After several weeks he was told by someone to call the dog research lab at Duke. Yep, that's where he found his dog. Apparently people can sale dogs to this lab, at least they use to.
I remember hearing stories about the "cat man" in Clayton years back. Story was there was a man who would steal cats and then sell them to research labs. Sure hope it wasn't true, we had a cat disappear around that time and I would hate to think... :cry: