Anyone else sick and tired of trying to tell people where you live, uh let's see, you know exit 312 where 40 and 42 intersect, kinda like dead center of Clayton, Garner and Smithfield, uh you know, Garner address but live in Johnston County...... Last time the chamber put out names, all everyone did was bicker and nothing was ever determined. Granted, nothing ever came of the incorporation of our area either. But in reality, we all know that we will have to become incorporated or be annexed by one of the surrounding towns, we are growing way too fast and we already feel like our own town. So, i was thinking, since obviously our local board 4042 has their finger on the pulse of everything that happens in our area, why could we not pick a name and when the incorporation starts, the name will be a done deal. i mean seriously, we all know that if the 4042 board decides something it is gonna happen (just ask Clayton about the last little annexation attempt and the following vote just for our community). So what do ya'll think, let's throw out some names for the next couple of weeks and then the most popular ones we will put to a vote??? Personally i would rather have a one name community like Raleigh, Charlotte, Garner, Clayton, etc., but i cannot think of anything. i did think about maybe Cleveland Commons and we could become known as CC. Hey it is kinda like Cleveland Community but shortened. So what do you guys think, and please no stupid crap.
I say we call it "Forty Forty-Two" or 4042 for short, I am serious! For instance I have been to Ninety Six, South Carolina so that name should not be unacceptable legally.,+SC,+United+States+of+America&sa=X&oi=map&ct=title
Mom, remind me that every time i ask for directions around here, someone tells me to go to the corner of (insert name here) and (insert name here).
Yeah, but right down the street is McGee's Crossroads, i just thought we would need something a little more distinctive for our area.
Why not Cleveland School? That is what everyone knows us as now anyways? Has a good ring to it.. Cleveland School, NC
This is my first post with my cynical side coming out (it lurks)...but let's not name it so no one moves here! Yeah, I moved here, and love the quiet, farm rural area.
Because there's already a Cleveland, NC.
If you're worried about preserving heritage, we should go with Cleveland School. One of the main roads is called Cleveland School Rd, there is a historic property called Cleveland School. Any suggestion with the word Cleveland in it owes itself to Cleveland School, becuase that is the historic place-name that the area become known by. Cleveland School is also very unique. How many others are like it?
I like the sound of Cleveland Crossroads, Cleveland School and even Forty Forty-Two. I think the post office is calling itself Cleveland Springs which isn't bad either. I too dislike have to describe where I live instead of being able to say _______ and people know exactly where it is. If we were actually able to name our area something, maybe I would stop getting mail and phone calls for Wake County services!
When we actually had the vote (mail in to the chamber) several years ago, the name that eventually won was Cleveland Springs but then nothing ever happened.
I don't get a vote, but I like the Cleveland Springs. Sounds like someplace I'd like to live. Cleveland School doesn't sound quite so inviting. Maybe that's the idea? :lol:
Remember about 10-12 years ago, the developer who wanted to name the commercial area around the interstate "Tombstone"? :ack: