BRING ON THE SNOW!!! baby boy will be 6 on Sunday. It will be great if he can have a snowy B-day all day!! Ummm...I guess I better get his cake and wrapping ppr pretty fast. I LOVE snow!! Webbie, can we have a snowman smilie? Pleeeeezzzzze:mrgreen:
I vote for the 12". But you know, I think we have all learned leessons about not taking a chance of snow seriously. Hey Ready, which doggie is that in your av?
Awww...I bet he is worried. We had not planned a big party this year (with 4 kids, we only do big party stuff on major ones) but we were gonna take him to Bullwinkles. Might have to postpone that but I don't think he will mind. I think I'll just try to find a way to have a "snow party" with some of his friends in the neighborhood. Besides, with 4, we sort of bring the party with us anyway.:lol: It's not like he will be all alone and sad, that's for sure.
Apex LF was STOCKED UP! Only needed beer, cigs and junk food though. :mrgreen: AND some ground meat for HG'S MOST AWESOMEST CHILI ON THE PLANET! :cheers:
Right now....I miss your snow days. Ever since my car accident it has snowed constantly. This is good for the resorts...but I live and work here and cannot enjoy the activities that snow brings so right now ... bring me SPRING and SUN.
Johnston County is not included in the storm watch area on any of the forecasts, we wont get anything but rain
I just stopped in at Lowe's Foods at Hwy 50...and it's a ZOO already I'll bet the ABC store is crowded too! I'm glad I went Thursday in preparation for our "non snow event".
Here is a major local funeral on SAT at 2pm, pray that the bad weather holds off till after the grave side & military honors are over. It will be cold enough anyway. I hate to think of all the older folks standing out in the wind & rain/sleet/snow beside the grave. It's a sad enough time without the weather making it worse.
Johnston Winter Storm Warning from 4:00 p.m., Jan 19 until 6:00 a.m., Jan 20 That was from WRAL Woo Hoo!!! We are included in the warning now! :hurray: :hurray: :hurray:
Just got back from the new LF. There was tons of milk but not much bread. The store was pretty busy, but not as bad as I was expecting. There should be plenty of milk for those who haven't gotten there yet.
New thread on Sunday - "Critters in the Snow!" Went to FL at McGees for half and half cuz we'll need copious amounts of coffee if we're snowed in. What a crazy place! I had to drive around to find a parking place. Snow coming PLUS Friday night. I know it's gonna snow, but has anyone noticed that the days are getting longer??? It wasn't dark until almost 6:00 tonight. Spring's a-comin'...
I was at the old Lowes Foods in Garner at 5:30, they were packed, but still had plenty of milk, and about 1/2 of their bread was still there...but I had to drive around for a parking spot too.
I vote for another snow like we had in '00! :mrgreen: The av is a pic of the puppy, Freckles, that I rescued (and re-homed) from a shelter last year. He had the most beautiful blue eyes -- well, one was blue and one was half blue, half brown -- but you can't really tell because the av pic is so small. Here is a bigger one of him and those gorgeous eyes!
Well I would love for it to snow my daughter was in tears about the other day. But....I have to be at work 6am Sunday and I worry about that cause it's in Raleigh and being a cake decorator there is no one else to do the orders for that day...big problem there. Guess I will worry then. Sheri