So, who are you

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by kaci, Jun 1, 2007.

  1. jdk

    jdk Well-Known Member

    i am a 32 yr old female , married for 1 1/2 years but have dated my husband for almost 10
    no kids, 3 dogs, love to read, go walking, play scrabble.
    moved to the area 6 yrs ago, yes we love it, certainly get home sick sometimes and wish people would stop prejudging because we are from nyc or make us feel like they are
  2. Snuffleufogous

    Snuffleufogous Well-Known Member

    OK, but only if you learn to say coffee and chocolate correctly (just kidding, I heart NY.)
  3. fsb3

    fsb3 Well-Known Member

    do we say dawg wrong also???
  4. Snuffleufogous

    Snuffleufogous Well-Known Member

    Yeah, but I was going to overlook that one. Seriously, my Dad's family is from Staten Island. Although they moved away from NYC when my Dad was 6 years old, he still says chawclit. So tawk like a New Yorker all you want, as far as I'm concerned. Welcome to the board!
  5. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    ... that's Noo Yoorkuh. :jester:
  6. jdk

    jdk Well-Known Member

    thanks for the warm welcome but sorry i haft to keep my cawfee and chocolate lol
  7. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    Do ya git yours in Smifeeld? Ats where I git mine! :lol:
  8. newgal

    newgal Well-Known Member

    I am a 39 year old female, married to my high school sweetheart for 21 years. We both grew up in Maryland and recently moved to this great area with our 19 year old son. I am looking forward to losing my northern accent and getting a southern twang. :) I chose this avatar because it's goofy like me.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2008
  9. jennandchad

    jennandchad Active Member

    Who am I?

    I am 32 year-old male married to my high school sweetheart with 3 kids (3 1/2 girl and 1 1/2 boy, and our 1st was our precious white female lab!). Moved here 2 years ago with absolutely no plan, no jobs, no house, no connections and it has been the best 2 years of our lives. We both landed great jobs (myself a CPA and my wife an RN) and we try to convince our friends to move here all of the time.

    I was saved and my wife rededicated her life to Christ shortly after our arrival and our entire direction in life has changed. We never realized what God had in store for us. We love this area, the sense of community, the pace of life, the weather (except when it is really cold - as we do not miss Connecticut at all).

    I do not post much except when I see someone bashing C3 (It is not for everyone, but it is not a bad place) for no good reason as this church has been instrumental in my walk with Christ and I have developed so many strong relationships with Christian families. God is good and He really helped me get through a tough time losing my mom this past year and I am so greatful that He was in my life at that time.
  10. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

  11. Hoof-Hearted

    Hoof-Hearted Well-Known Member

    Lets see

    Me ????
    47 yr young male, Currently seeking Life. Widowed once, Divoriced once.
    No children. Just moved to N.C. in December. From Little N.Y. ( Florida ).
    My Name on here is part of my MOTO: NEVER LET GO OF YOUR INNER CHILD.
    Hence forth: if you say Hoof Hearted real fast you will get it.
    The Avitar is for my Favorite Cartoon., Yup I should have taken a left at Albakirky, The hosre at the end of my statements well, ya know like beating a dead horse. Nothing ever comes from something bad. Love to cook fancy food,and I alway give too much information about myself. Why ? Heck I don't know I just do.

    Last edited: Jan 20, 2008
  12. Niese

    Niese Well-Known Member

    Welcome Hoof Hearted.

    I said your name quickly -- I got it -- funny!
  13. JayP

    JayP Well-Known Member

    Funny, yes. It keeps me employed and sane. I know you're just joking about coaxing other people to come here. Since two of our Yankee friends happen to be teaching the children of Johnston County and my wife is a teacher assistant in Johnston County. So how 'bout we say I only (keep) bringing down the qualified Yankees who are willing to teach the children of Johnston County and/or pour thousands of dollars into the economy?

    And I promise to only try to get them to live in Yankee-friendly developments like Clayton Pointe. :) Thanks for sayin' hi!
  14. fsb3

    fsb3 Well-Known Member

    I dont understand why you sound so angry. I lived the first 32 years of my life in ny. Long Island ny. Are you on this sight just to make arguements with people? Growing up and getting an education in NY does not make you better then anyone else. It is just geographics. You are the kind of person that makes me ashamed to be from where I am from. You are arrogant and rude. I also want you to know, I think you are just looking for some kind of feed back, and I wont reply to your ignorance.
  15. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I was just kidding with ya. I'm married to a Yankee transplant myself, and we've tried to coax his brother down here for many years. :)
  16. JayP

    JayP Well-Known Member

    Sorry if my post came across as 'angry'. I'm anything BUT angry.

    You may have spent the first 32 years of your life in NY, but when were you living there last? See, we were in CT near the casinos where property values were skyrocketing, oil prices were through the roof, taxes were unbearable and government didn't much care so long as you were paying them.

    Most of the people in that are 'working poor'. And most of them work at a casino for $8 trying to afford what has become a $250,000 home that they bought for $100,000. Many of them have to work second jobs to keep a roof over their head. Local towns are refusing to build affordable housing because there's no tax revenue in it. Don't get me wrong, I liked living in the northeast, but when you compare the costs of living, down here is just a much better deal.

    Finding our home was the best thing that could happen to us. Now, I produce twice as much taxes for the state working for myself, my wife is a part of the school community and life in general is just better.

    And from what I'm seeing on other boards, I'm not the only one feels this way.

  17. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    That is an awesome testimony but out of curiousity, are you still a member at C3? i would never bash the church, been a member since 2000 but it has gotten so large i just do not feel the community feeling i used to get and am now looking for something else. Not everyone is called for universal calling and some of us are called for community calling. Do you still get the comfort of small caring God worshiping friends, or has it come to the point that no one knows your name unless you are one of the new ones that is being recruited or do you feel like one of the old timers that are no longer significant unless they are donating big bucks? ducking and running right now
  18. JayP

    JayP Well-Known Member


    What part of Connecticut did you move from? We don't miss it much either. My wife had a job lined up, I had nothing. I ended up working for myself.

  19. fsb3

    fsb3 Well-Known Member

    I was there 4 years ago. Median house price was around 400,000 grand and the taxes were 8-12000. I am sorry maybe I took what you were saying out of context. Life is better here, alot calmer. I just want to give due respect for the natives here.
  20. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    Welcome all you Newbies!:mrgreen:

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