Found out today that my 7 year old needs to have this surgery. Told me she would need to be out of school a week to two weeks. Can anyone tell me if they have a child that had this done and what to expect from it after it is done. They told me there is alot of pain.. Sheri
oh goodness...One of the twins had it done. No sugar coating here... Put on your patience hat sister, it'l be a long ride....lots of popsicles and jello and ice cream. My son was miserable afterwards, and there is nothing you can do...they won't swallow, so you can't even get any advil in them....he had a 'spit' cup, so he wouldn't drool. It takes about 4-5 days before things get somewhat back to normal....but he hasn't been sick since. 4 years and counting..... also, books, magazines, coloring books....anything to keep their minds off drooling.
I haven't myself, although my tonsils are chronically enlarged some. I would say that you should definitely try to do some research on the surgery before having it done. I think there are like four different ways to take out the tonsils and one or two that I've read, says that the pain isn't nearly as bad.
Wow, thanks for the heads up. I know it won't be easy, i guess I wanted to hear from others that have been though it as well. I haven't told her that she will be in a pain afterwards, don't know when I will do that. She is already upset that she has to have it done. They gave me some info and I will be getting more. But, it did say no advil and that they will be giving a pain meds to give for the pain. I'm hoping that I can wait till Spring break so she won't miss so school. Thanks for the info.. Sheri
My niece had it done a few years ago because they were enlarged to the point she was having sleep apnea. The first few days were rough, but she's been MUCH healthier since. Look at it this way, it's much easier on the kids. My sis had it done herself about 6 months later for the same reason and it was 10 times worse on an adult.
My daughter had adnoids removed when she was 4yo. She did fine and I don't remember there being too much pain. But she still has her tonsils (I wish they had taken them too - she still suffers). I wish you the best.
My son had them lasered off (Mann ENT, Dr. Jones, I worship thee, he is my sinus Doctor) cutting. Surgery took less than an hour. We did it on Spring Break too. Had it done the Friday before Spring Break....he was good to go when it was time to go back.
I had it done as a child. As someone else said, I won't sugar coat it. It hurt bad. My parents were awfully nice though. I was allowed to eat anything I wanted IN THEIR BED. I got to choose the treats at the store (which I wasn't allowed to do normally). I ate lots of pudding and ice cream and yogurt. I wasn't out of school for two weeks. I am not sure how long I was out, but it wasn't for two weeks. So be patient. Use children's tylenol that desolve in your mouth. It makes it easier to swallow and will help a little bit. The first couple days are the worst.
Son had it done when he was 9yrs old, tonsils, adeniods, and l tube in his ear, and he had trouble coming out of the anesthesia. Throwing up, bleeding etc. and a few months later his ear drum burst, but he came out ok with no hearing trouble or anything. You will probably feel worse than he does. He get thru it with patience and Love.
Don't know about the tonsils. My son had his adnoids taken out the second time he had tubes put in his years, but he was like 3 or 4 when that happened. He wasn't breathing through his nose is why the took them out, but he did fine on that. In fact a few days afterward, we made a trip to visit family. Both kids still have their tonsils though. They don't have too much problem with sore thoats or anything like that, I am the one that does and have swollen glands, and still have the tonsils (and apendix)!
That is what I have been reading that it's much harder on the adults to have it done. My daughter has having sleep apnea and breathes through her mouth for sometime now. I made sure I told the doctor about that today. Hence the reason for the surgery and 3 ear infections in a month and half. Sheri
I believe part of the reason to keep them home for two weeks is to make sure they don't go out and catch infections. Oh I plan on letting her pick out everything, cause I feel it will make it easier on her. I hope! sheri
Well she has had tubes put in a year ago this last december and we never had problems with it after, and she did great the day they did it, we even went to the movies late that afternoon she did that good. No throwing up nothing. That is what I fear the most the throwing up thing. Sheri
Poor kid, how old is she? My 8 yo went to the ENT a couple years ago for a hearing test, and while there they checked him over. Said he had the kind of tonsils that would probably have to be taken out, that they're the kind that cause a lot of sore throats and things like that. He's never had a problem with them though, so not sure why, but I'll be glad if I never have to go through that with him...Although I do hear that it's better as a child to have the surgery done.
Although I don't have kids that have had tonsils out, I had mine out as a kid, (yeah, I know it was a long time ago) and all I remember is my daddy feeding me ice cream. So even if it does hurt for a little while, no lasting painful memories!
My older son had them removed when he was 6. The first night was the absolute worst. I asked my ENT to keep him overnight (I stayed with him) just because I remembered how bad it was when mine were removed when I was little (plus he had severe allergies). Sure enough, he started throwing up blood (diluted and some old) that night at the hospital - just like I did after mine. It was a big help to have medical staff there to calm and comfort both of us. The next few days were a blur though he did lose quite a bit of weight since he would not eat anything. But the upside is he hasn't been as sick since...though still haven't gotten rid of all the allergies.
She is 7 soon to be 8. She just asked me again, are you SURE I have to have this done lol, poor thing is worried to death. She never got ear infections as a young babies like most do, just when she started School. In kindergarden she had 6 ear infections and then in the summer between kindergarden 1st grade she had a couple more and then we notice she wasn't reading well or hearing well, she then had the tubes put in and never missed one day of 1st grade, and no problems swimming last year it was great. But, she has always had problems with snoring to the point it was so loud. I'm still reading up on it, cause I want to know as much as possible so if I have questions I can ask them. Sheri
That is what I worry about taking her home the first night, I wonder if she will or not, he didn't say. Sheri
Okay, had a few kids have this surgery done and I myself as well. It is MUCH, MUCH easier on the kids than the adults--LOL. Your child will not be out for two weeks. An adult, yes, a child at 7, no. I had a 4yo have this done and he was up and about the next day. My 6yo son, almost 7yo at hte time last May had this done. He was also down for about a day or two and then back to school. They are sore but not too bad. Get some of the medicated lollipops. Some ENT's will prescribe and some won't. Have to get htem at a compound pharmacy. Surgery is quick, about 45 minutes and they are done and out of the hospital in about 2 hours or so after that depending upon the after effects of anesthesia. Typically, in this house we do about 5 to 6 surgeries per year amongst the kids. The tonsillectomy/ adenoidectomy were among the easiest. Far harder on the parents--LOL. Do make sure for the first week though you have smooth stuff for swallowing. Pudding and applesauce and popsicles. watch out if they complain their ears hurt. If they do, then chances are surgeon hit an auditory nerve. Shouldn't happen but it can!(ps--happened to me). Good luck w/ the surgery. Kids are very resilient when it comes to surgeries. Still, doesn't make it any easier on us, does it? take care, Stephanie--mom to 7
Dr. Jones specializes in Pediatric Otolaryngology and told me, when I was in the 'I'm not sure' stage that no one is suppose to snore. Especially children. Something is blocking their airway. My son has not snored since and like I said, not been sick in 4 years.