Hello! I had to "jump' in on this. Is anyone interested in forming a committee? The money can be begged for and the boundaries can be worked on. We need a PLAN! This issue is one that I have some knowledge about (former Chamber Director, worked on committee for Malt Beverage ballot). Please email me if you are interested. jlippard@4042.com or jacqueline@3pointrealty.com Yes, for those who recognize my email...I'm webbie's wife and he will kill me for posting this!!!!!!!
Thanks Jackie, i was reading the thread last night and thinking you would be great to get involved with this:hurray:
If the GCCC (or some other organization) was involved, seems you could send them out bulk mail and the return postcards 'postage paid' too? As long as they have a bulk mail permit. Would save some $$ there.
Hat, check with the Chamber. They already spent that 7k on a very similar mailing. There may be no need to duplicate it.
What little I know about the Archer Lodge incorporation, they formed an exploratory committee first, got some figures together and then did three proposed areas. 1 mile, 2 mile and 3 mile radius from the center of the what will be the new town.. Then they started looking into services they had to provide, I believe its 4 or 5 things. Then once they had some ideas of what it would take they started holding public meetings and ask for input from those that would be affected by this and once they say that they had enough interest they started with petitions and have done fund raisers to get up the money that we will need.. we have an interium mayor and town committe and I believe we have enough signatures but they are still trying to get more, the more you have the better.. holding open meetings would be a great way to get started, maybe at the local schools or churches.. good luck.. oh yeah they even got a website up so that people could ask questions and help donate money and see where the proposed area would be..
Seriously though, like i stated, Jennifer stated, and a couple others, the very first step is to contact the chamber so work is not duplicated needlessly - i left a message with one of the members last night and webbie's wife is a great contact.
yep, get all the free info you can get... then start doing some meetings with people in the area, I would think schools and churches would let you use them for little to no cost...
I don't think you need 2000+ signatures - Archer Lodge — More than enough people here have signed a petition saying they want to become a town. In order to present an incorporation petition to state lawmakers, the Archer Lodge Municipal Exploratory Committee needed about 300 signatures. So far, the committee has 350, said Carlton Vinson, president of the group. At least 15 percent of the 2,000 or so registered voters in the proposed borders of the town must sign, he said. "We have enough right now to qualify," Vinson said. But the committee wants 25 percent to 35 percent of registered voters to be on board, Vinson said.
Maybe it's just me, but half the people seem to be talking about naming the place, the other half about incorporation and the others about both. Its all been done before,but ya'll goahead and try again. And by the way, it's been pointed out before, but there really are 2 separate areas: the business district (40/42 henceforth refered to as 'Old Drug Store' on older maps), and the rural area, the 'Cleveland School' community. These are the historical names given to these areas over the years by the life-long residents. I don't use the word 'locals' because I think that includes everyone who lives here, not just 'old-timers'. Ya'll are trying to call 2 places 1 name, and thats alright with me, if that's what you want to do. If it was my choice, I'd probably vote for 'Cleveland School' because that is where the residential base is. The business people at 40/42-Old Drug Store don't really get a 'vote' because we don't reside there. But ya'll go ahead with yourselves... even though I own property, I still don't feel like I got a dog in this fight!!! (The name fight, that is... Incorporation- I VOTE NO!!!) And thank you, but no 'dead horse' here... ther are still many, many voices to be heard in this debate !!! 8)
I have to tell you, I really don't see a benefit to incorporation either, at least not for the private citizen. I see a benefit for the businesses in the community, but not for your average, everyday person. My county taxes are high enough already, you dig? And yeah, I know that everyone is scared that Clayton or Garner will take us over and that's why some are pushing for it, but I just don't see that as being a huge issue right now. Maybe I'm wrong. As far as naming the place....honestly, it makes not one bit of difference to me. The only real benefit I ever saw to naming the place was if we were going to get our own zip code and our own post office, which didn't happen. So anyway....just my two cents. But good for all of you for going after something you want to see done. That's how wheel's get turning.
Yup, that's how I remember it. I'm all for the duplication though, seeing as how Cleveland School wasn't picked as the name last time.
:iagree: makes no difference to me either. And no matter what name you come up with, you'll still have to explain 'where' you live. 8)
Why incorporate? I realize this thread started as a name the area discussion only, but to me, I thought there's no reason to name it unless you plan to make it an offical town. I chose to live here to avoid additional taxes. I was against incorporation years ago. I still don't like the idea of it, however, I'd much rather incorporate now and have a say in our tax increases and the future walmarts being built than continue to let the Commissioners make the growth decisions. Maybe I'm a pessimist, but I believe the hourglass is draining and it won't be long before we're annexed by Clayton. So, if we HAVE to pay taxes, I'd much rather it be a lower amount than what Clayton pays. As bandmom's Herald article states about Archer Lodge-The tax rate would be 8 cents per $100 valuation. That's a lot less than Clayton's rate, which is 54 cents. I think it's worth exploring whether or not incorporating Cleveland could have a similar low tax rate. The 2000+ signature number came from the info Hatt6 compiled. I think that's 15% of the Cleveland Township residents? Archer Lodge is a smaller area, so their numbers are less. Those against incorporation, just curious, if Clayton did annex the area, would you move to avoid paying more taxes? I can't afford a move and Clayton's tax rate scares me. I wish there was a way to know for sure what the future holds for this area, darn crystal ball stopped working for me years ago. :jester: Also, besides increased taxes, please share other reasons to be against incorporating.
just talked to a member of Cleveland Chamber the other day and they are planning on a meeting for the public this summer to discuss incorporation. So those of you that are active in our community, please think long and hard about this subject. Unfortunately, in the past only the ones against it show up because those that are for it just assume that it makes sense and do not show up to voice their opinion.
How about we name it "Cinco de mayo" at least once a year people will throw a party in our honor :cheers:
I still like Cleveland Township. It's the name we have alway had. 100+++ years. Trouble is we do not all live here in the voting Cleveland Township and then there is that messy multi-Zip Code problem. ?????????????