Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Pepper Jack, Jan 24, 2008.

  1. Pepper Jack

    Pepper Jack Well-Known Member

    The Highway Patrol is enforcing the 60 MPH limit in the work zone on I-40.
    Just trying to save my fellow commuters some $$$$$.
  2. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    Thanks! Yes, I have seen them more and more in the morning and afternoon for last few weeks. This morning it looked like they had one lane closed (East bound)...anybody know why or for how long?
  3. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Revenue for the month....Well, is is the 24th.....and the coffers need refilling.

    But there is not quota...they're allowed ot write as many as they want. I'd say there is a floor beneath which they can't cite, but probably no max.
  4. Dawn

    Dawn Well-Known Member

    Where were ya a month ago Ken?? At least I wasn't in the work zone and had just left it or either he gave me a break. But thanks for the advance warning because I am headed to take care of the ticket right now. :?
  5. Pepper Jack

    Pepper Jack Well-Known Member

    I think that is for sign installation.
  6. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    boy, would that suck or what? getting a ticket on the way to court to deal with a ticket? and don't be feelin' too happy after you leave, either, cuz that would be just about as bad...
  7. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    I saw a ton of SHP Monday in the workzone...6 on the way up and 4 on the way back! 4 had "customers".
  8. justbnme

    justbnme Guest

    The sad part is the SHP were rarely seen when the construction workers were actually WORKING in the work zone.
  9. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    Within a 15 minute drive this morning from 42/50 to Hwy 70 in Garner this morrning, I passed:
    2 people pulled over
    1 police car w/lights flashing, but no one pulled over
    1 bad accident being cleaned up with 2 police cars
    2 police cars passing me on the road
    1 police car in front of White Oak, along with a bellsouth van and a TON of water in the road, so much everyone had to go about 20 mph to drive through it.

    It was an odd morning, to say the least, and they were obviously busy in Garner!
  10. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    Speeding through the workzones should be discouraged. Now I do tend to speed. I don't hide that fact, but truthfully, you cannot hardly drive the speed limit through that workzone as of late without feeling like you're going to get run over. Honestly, I don't always slow down to the speed limit through there, but I do drop it down significantly and move over to the right because it does pose a dangerous situation.
  11. Dawn

    Dawn Well-Known Member

    Yep, that's why I got pulled. I was going with the flow of traffic and unfortunately wasn't paying attention to how fast "they" 8) were going. There was a semi, a van and then me in my lil' Taurus. We were all going over the speed limit but I was the one that got pulled. I asked the Trooper about it and he compared it to fishing. :? I looked at him with a smile and told him that I don't fish because I don't like to touch the fish. He laughed and I went on my merry way with my pink ticket in hand. BTW, they reduced it and I had to pay $120 in court costs. Oh, another thing.........has anyone ever seen an actual worker in that work zone? :confused: Keep in mind that I wasn't speeding, I mean......didn't get caught in the work zone.
  12. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    I have never gone over 65 in the work zone, and it has worked fine for me and I have alot of people that ride my butt, hey go around I have no problem with that cause I sure can't afford that 250 fine.
  13. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

  14. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    I'm sure I make people mad when I set my cruise at 60 in that stretch of I-40, but anyone willing to pay the $250 fine for speeding there is more than welcome to move into the left hand lane and pass me! If they can't get into the left hand lane and pass, then I'm doing them a favor. 8)
  15. tawiii

    tawiii Guest

    The way I look at it, speed limits are set for safety and people display a high level of ignorance when they think differently.

    I won't argue that it is used as source of revenue. Just think about it, so many people are willing to pay for not paying attention to the laws. Why is the system the way it is? What happens when you get a ticket? You get a ton of letters from lawyers. The lawyers go to court for you and plead your case beside the DA and in front of a judge, both lawyers and former lawyers. The court system is headed by ex-lawyers which enforce laws written by legislators, who for the most part are ex-lawyers.

    Speeding is used for revenue because people are so willing to make it that way.

    Personally, I think they need to make penalties a lot steeper with jail time being more common.

    Hope I used enough words for some of you
  16. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Coming back from RDU this evening (9:30pm) and they were out inforce on 40, two pulled and I saw some in wait.
  17. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    yep, yep...just came back in from monster jam, and they were waiting behind the jones sausage bridge, busting mostly the westbounders....
  18. scbuff

    scbuff Well-Known Member

    yea, that place is nothing but a speedtrap now. It is like shooting fish in a barrel out there. the speed limit should be brought back up to 70 mph like it was before the construction started. They know good and well nobody is going to do 60 mph through there except for the slow popes
  19. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    Guess I'm a slow pope then. Have fun passing me! :p
  20. tawiii

    tawiii Guest

    I'm one with you 8)

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