I didn't know that Wesley Snipe's tax evasion case involved the "861" argument. I thought he just didn't file and got caught. I also wasn't aware that he had threatened the IRS. :shock: I guess he thought being a celebrity has pull with the IRS. Anybody with a lick of sense knows that NO ONE has pull with the IRS. Wasn't it Willie Nelson that they also went after years ago? We had a guy several years ago that refused to pay his mortgage unless he was allowed to pay in gold, and used to claim he could do that because he was a "sovereign citizen". He used to quote the 861 argurment each time he was threatened with foreclosure. Didn't help...we still foreclosed.
He's gonna be quite popular in federal prison. just think, all those well behaved guests just clamoring for his...autograph. No sympathy.
OK, Cleo, I actually think it was a cute comedy. Robin Williams, as always, over the top..John Leguizamo was spectacular, Stockard Channing, and Chris Penn (Sean's little brother) as Sheriff Dullard...But, Wesley was one mad looking black woman..Swayze..too funny..
You must...it's a great movie. There are some men that you just can't imagine dressed up as a woman...and Swayze and Snipes are two of them. :mrgreen: