La Piazza

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by KellBell, Dec 20, 2007.

  1. tawiii

    tawiii Guest

    Perhaps. The way I look at it though is most of the time if people would just think even just a brief moment then my lack of words would not be a problem. But, most of the time it's people's insecurities that get in the way.

    Besides, some days all I do is type letters. I run out of wordy responses ;)
  2. peaches

    peaches Well-Known Member

    I'm with you. I always preach, less is more. Just as long as the less is understood.
  3. JerseyGrl

    JerseyGrl Member


    Well my fiancé and I decided to try LaPiazza out. We are both born and raised in Jersey and my family is VERY VERY Italian, we own an Italian restaurant up north so I grew up in restaurants. We went in and order simple things I thought, calzone, Italian sub, chicken francese, and calamari. Well we got home and were very disappointed and aggravated.1st the "calzone" well it ended up being a stromboli it had raw green peppers, raw onions, cold mushroom, 2 inches of pepperoni and a thin layer of mozzarella cheese. So if we had in fact ordered a Stromboli it would have been awesome, but we didn't. We had no ricotta or ham or gobs of mozzarella. :x 2. So next onto the sub, an Italian sub IS SUPPOSED TO BE COLD!!!! Ours was not. It was a toasted hoagie with some ham, 2 pieces of salami, no provolone (which we requested), little lettuce, oh and balsamic vinegar. Why is it that in the South they put Balsamic vinegar on it? Red wine is supposed to go on subs usually. Then we get to my favorite.... my dinner Chicken Francese, let me tell you guys this is one of my all time favorite dinners. I was SO SO SO excited to see someone in the area making it, :hurray: . Well then it all came crashing down. The chicken taste like it was in a fridge all day and then it was soaked in lemon juice (the little plastic lemon thingy not real lemon juice) and mixed with a little butter:ack: :cry: I was so disappointed. I do have to say the calamari was good though! Well we did call up to the manager and I did complain, which I usually won't do, I have to say she was very nice about it all and did comp our meal. So they did try their best to correct the situation. My fiancé most likely will not order food to go again, but I do think we may try eating in. They are still VERY new as a business, and everyone needs time to iron out all the little quirks! I did however like the atmosphere. I thought it was cozy! For anyone who hasn’t been to New York to a in the city pizza joint, trust me when I say this place has space! I reminded me of a pizza place in Brooklyn I used to go to tiny, but well worth the squeeze. I really think we might have come on "one of those nights". At least I hope so I was really needing some good ole make your belly hurt good food! I AM HOWEVER LOOKING FORWARD TO THE TIRAMISU YOU GUYS KEEP TALKING ABOUT!!!!:lol:

    I know I am going to get a response about if I like food up north so much to go back or something, but it's hard for me to understand one thing. You lived up north, you praise that you are Italian and know good Italian Northern Food, so why is it the second you guys open a restaurant in the South it goes downhill? :confused: (This is in reference to all the Italian restaurants we have tried here not just LaPiazza) Who knows maybe I’m just hard to please.

    Service: A
    Food: (this time) F Sorry!
  4. OmniOne1

    OmniOne1 Well-Known Member

    Well I'm sure everyone knows what I am going to say. Marco's. They were running a special on calamari tonight.

    I'v never had a mix up of a calzone with a stromboli. I think thats one of those mistakes that just should be made.

    I understand mistakes are going to happen. The wrong dressing goes with a salad, a mix up between red sauce and meatsauce, or maybe a missed topping on a pizza. But mistaking a stromboli for a calzone? How does that happen?
  5. tawiii

    tawiii Guest

    It use to be the availability of products. Now, I think that some restaurants try and modify how they make things to fit the taste buds of the area. Around here I think that is the addition of lard and a ton of salt (fat back) :jester:
  6. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    Jersey Girl...PLEASE go to Marco's and report back.....I can't wait!! Don't leave out a review on the atmosphere!! :mrgreen:
  7. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member

    Welcome Newbie

    What part of Jersey are you from? My summers, I grew up in Brigantine...across from Atlactic City.

    You should try out 2 Cousins or Assagio's in FV.
  8. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    Don't forget J&S in Fuquay, across from Stephen's Ace Hardware in the older part of town.
  9. JerseyGrl

    JerseyGrl Member

    OK I think I might have just threw up in my mouth a little :ack: but thanks for the honesty
  10. JerseyGrl

    JerseyGrl Member

    My fiance and I are going to go next weekend, but it can't be compared accuratly to La Piazza since I haven't eaten in. So we are going to order out and see. I will be sure to let everyone know :lol:
  11. JerseyGrl

    JerseyGrl Member

    We both grew up if diffrent area's. My fiance grew up around Newark, Edison area, and I down by the Jersey Shore (yes where all the guido's are, lol)and near Kearny.
    I went to Assagio's and their pricies are horrendous, and the 13 year old staff worried more about chomping her gum and the hot delivery boy kinda left me not so impressed.:banghead:
  12. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    Just have to say... I've lived here in NC all of my 40 years (36 in JC) and I have NEVER cooked with lard or fatback and I hate country music. Please don't think Hee Haw when you think of every JC resident! ;)
  13. OmniOne1

    OmniOne1 Well-Known Member

    Why suggest going to Two Cousin's and trying their stuff, when the same people own La Piazza. Thats not traveling far from the tree.
  14. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Peaches - who is that precious little kitty in your avatar? He/she is adorable.
  15. peaches

    peaches Well-Known Member

    Aww, shucks, thanks. That's Jasmine.

    Went to LaPiazza again last night, by the way. Loved it.
  16. ObSeRvInG

    ObSeRvInG Active Member

    Here, here!

    I've lived in JC 35 of my 36 years and I'm with you! No fatback and no country music!!!
  17. ginger1989

    ginger1989 Well-Known Member

    Just had La Piazza pizza (take out). It is just like Two cousins. I thought it was good. The last few times I got pizza from Two Cousins, it was so-so. I'll go back. La Piazza is closer to me than 2 Cousins.
  18. tawiii

    tawiii Guest

    I had lunch at 2 cousins today. Wasn't that impressed. Must be an off day
  19. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member, Its been awhile since I have been to Assagio's.
  20. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    All this talk made me hungry for 2 cuz's. Just called and placed an order. Yum!

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