Kindergarten Registration

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by DMJmom, Jan 17, 2008.

  1. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    joco parents and even wake county edgers should consider neuse charter school. public school. no cost, but no transport and no cafeteria. drive em and bag it. an excellent school, year will be k thru 6
  2. ARedhead

    ARedhead Well-Known Member

    I'm getting my docs together and noticed on my sons birth certificate it has only my maiden name (not sure why they do that now) and not my married name. Obviously I don't have any photo ID with that on there since I've been married for 10 years. So, does anyone know how that works? I can't be the only one with this issue. He was born in Wake County and the certified copy of his birth certificate has my maiden name and the father's name but no mention of any other names.

    Also, for the medical forms that the dr. has to fill out. I got a printout last time I was there of his 4 yr old checkup and his immunization record. Do you still have to have the medical forms filled out?

    I just don't want any delays when I go up there....... :) Thanks!
  3. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    I was wondering if he has to have his checkup before registration, or before the beginning of school? I'm guessing the beginning of school. I'll have his shot record with me at registration, just wasn't sure about the physical...
  4. ARedhead

    ARedhead Well-Known Member

    Mine won't have another checkup before school starts so I'm using his 4yo one that was done last Sept/Oct. They did everything required for a physical. Another question I have is the vision and hearing is listed on the sheet as being done, but does the school need the results from that or just to know it's been done?
  5. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    The physical a 5 yr old gets for school includes vision and hearing and your pediatrician will need to sign off on that, for the kindergarten registration.
  6. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Know this doesn't apply to most of you but just in case it does, IF your child has an IEP for preschool OR you think your child may need an IEP, go ahead and go in NOW and organize the meeting. It will take awhile. Keep in mind the AGE CUT OFF DATE HAS indeed changed. My son who was 4 this past year and did not(& I repeat NOT belong in kindergarten) was stuck having to apply for kindergarten even though the rule was changing this year. Be aware the cut off date has changed.

    And, if you do not think your child is ready for kindergarten, do not put them in there. Under law, they do not have to start when they are 5 years old. Have to start by 7. I'm just putting this out there as I made a huge mistake w/ one of my sons and put him in at 5yo & he just wasn't ready. I know many parents who put their kids in at 6 and wished I'd listened to them. It is a very individual decision and only you know your kids best but just know there are options if you feel your child isn't ready quite yet. And w/ boys, it is really normal for them needing a little more time. Again, these are just my personal experiences w/ my children and b/c everyone is so individual, each situation will be different. I've had some start at 5 and do beautifully. Some start at 5 and wished I'd waited. Again, only you as the parent know your child best. Just know that the kindergarten teacher will not wait till your child has learned the concept. They keep moving w/ the cirriculum.

    Good luck everyone. I hvae one that will be in kindergarten this coming year as well. Yikes!! It is a very fun age though. He doesn't know about school just that some of his sibs go. I know he'll be very excited. Me, I think I'll cry. I'll miss him I know. But, since I've had to pull my two oldest from Middle School to homeschool, I think I'll be busy.

    Our little ones are growing up! Enjoy their time in kindergarten. B/c when they're older, they won't want you near the school--LOL. K & 1st graders want parents there all the time. So take advantage of it when you can.

    Take care,

    Stephanie--mom to 7
  7. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    You do NOT have to have the physical done by registration. Just by the time school starts.
  8. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    Thank you for that info!
    And you're right about kids wanting their parents at school. My son is in 2nd this year, and all of a sudden he's too big and old to want me to kiss him, hug him or anything. He used to come running up to me in the hallways when I came to visit him, now he's embarrassed! I hate that! :x
  9. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    wait till he gets in the 5ht grade, you can't even acknowledge their presence in the school. Me and my boys have a 'secret sign' we use now, so I don't feel dissed and they don't feel embarassed.
  10. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

  11. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    Personally I think it is sad that the "social" environment of public school makes a 2nd grader embarrassed to hug a parent...very sad.
  12. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    mine has nothing to do with 'social' environment, its called puberty. :?
  13. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    puberty in 2nd grade? isn't that a little early?
  14. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    no, mine are in the 5th grade....LOL.....2nd grade would be a bit early. 2nd grade mine we're still very affectionate at school.
  15. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

  16. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    sorry about that....:mrgreen:

    earlier in the thread, someone had mentioned their 2nd grader wouldn't hug them anymore, then I made the comment about "wait till they get in 5th grade" that they won't even acknowledge you...and that me and mine, have a secret sign, so I don't feel dissed and they don't get embarrased. :mrgreen:
  17. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    This is for all of you who have babies starting Kindergarten this year. God Bless you all . . .I remember how tough that day was for me. :cry:

    I Trust You'll Treat Her Well

    World, I bequeath to you today one little girl in a crispy dress.. with two blue eyes...and a happy laugh that ripples all day long, and a batch of light blonde hair that bounces in the sunlight when she runs. I Trust You'll Treat Her Well.

    She's slipping out of the backyard of my heart this morning and skipping off down the street to her first day at school.
    And never again will she be completely mine...

    Prim and proud, she'll wave a young and independent hand this morning, and say goodbye and walk with little-lady steps to the nearby schoolhouse...

    Gone will be the chattering little girl who lived only for play, and gone will be the delightful little girl who roamed the yard like a proud princess with nary a care in her little world.

    Now, she will learn to stand in lines...and wait by the alphabet for her name to be called...

    She will learn to tune her little-girl ears for the sound of school bells, and for deadlines...

    She will learn to giggle and gossip... and to look at the ceiling in a disinterested way when the little boy across the aisle sticks out his tongue.

    Now she will learn to be jealous...and now she will learn how it is to feel hurt inside...and now she will learn how not to cry.

    No longer will she have time to sit on the front porch steps on a summer day and watch while an ant scurries across a crack in the sidewalk...

    Or will she have time to pop out of bed with the dawn to kiss lilac blossoms in the morning dew. Now she will worry about important grades...and what dresses to wear...and whose best friend is whose. Now she will worry about the little boy who pulls her hair at recess time... and staying after school...and which little girls like which little boys...And the magic of books and knowledge will soon take the place of the magic of her blocks and dolls.

    And she'll find her new heroes. For five full years I've been her sage and Santa Claus...her pal and playmate...her parent and friend. Now, alas, she'll learn to share her worship and adoration with her teachers (which is only right).

    No longer will her parents be the smartest, and greatest in the world. Today, when the first school bell rings, she'll learn how it is to be a member of the group...with all its privileges, and, of course, its disadvantages, too.

    She'll learn in time that proper young ladies don't laugh out loud...or keep frogs in pickle jars in bedrooms...or watch ants scurry across the cracks in a summer sidewalk...

    Today, she'll begin to learn for the first time that all who smile at her are not her friends. That "the group" can be a demanding mistress... and I'll stand on the porch and watch her start out on the long, long journey to becoming a woman.

    So WORLD, I BEQUEATH TO YOU TODAY ONE LITTLE GIRL in a crispy dress, with two blue eyes, a happy laugh that ripples all day long, and a batch of light blonde hair that bounces in the sunlight when she runs.


    It still makes me cry!
  18. mom2two

    mom2two Well-Known Member

    Okay, in tears now b/c my little girl will start in 2009.

    My son is in 1st. I wonder if there is a boy version of this. Would be great to put in a scrapbook with first day of school pictures.
  19. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    I went and registered my son this morning for kindergarten next year. A couple things to note if you haven't been yet today:

    First of all, if you printed off the forms online and filled them out, throw them away. They need the copies behind the original which you don't get offline. So that's garbage.

    Also, it takes longer than 15 minutes, I'd plan 1/2 hour anyway.

    Don't worry about the health assessment (unless you've already gotten it from the dr) because they have an all new form this year to give to the drs office to fill out. And my son hasn't had his exam or all his shots yet, not a big deal, just bring them back when it's finished.

    Now...I'm going to go ahead and apologize if anyone was at West View when I was there this morning. My 8 yo let my 2 yo out of his stroller, and they were running around like animals. I have never been so embarrassed by my children, especially because my son already goes there and I know alot of teachers and principle. They must think my children are terrible, and theyr'e not usually like that, but they were wound up this morning. I sent them upstairs for the moment, told them I don't want to see either of them right now. Giving myself a "time out" for the moment. So I'm letting my blood pressure come back down before they can come back downstairs.
  20. MamaApe

    MamaApe Well-Known Member

    OH I did not need that poem this afternoon! I felt so dumb registering this morning, I had everything including forms filled out, shot records, copies of everything and then some. When I started filling out the paperwork it was like I went completley dumb! Then when the teacher reviewed everything with me it was all I could do not to cry when she was talking about assessments and first days of school. I was taking pictures..I was such a nut this morning. I apologize to anyone at McGees while I was there this morning. My little one on the other hand thought it was the greatest thing ever!!

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