I don't have but a minute on here now, but I wanted to start a discussion about this topic (it's the topic of Dr. Phil today which I'll watch at 5:00) http://drphil.com/shows/show/1013 What do y'all think of the whole baggy pants thing. I can't stand it! The worse I've seen was when I was at Carowinds one year and this boy had his denim shorts so low that his ENTIRE rear end was sticking out of the top! The crotch of his shorts was at his knees and the hem was at his ankles. What's was the point of even wearing shorts, why not just wear the boxers that hung out of them? Anyway, my DD was with me and I just turned her around so she didn't see him as he passed by. Good grief. Look at the video here http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/OnlyinAmerica/story?id=3519569 and keep the discussion going until I finish our school day and can get back online. I'm really curious about how everyone else feels about this, IMO, stupid "fashion statement."
Personally, I think it is indecent. I feel the same way about thongs sticking out of pants, bra straps peeking out from tank tops, etc. I actually get kind of grossed out if in line behind a young man, with only a thin layer of cotton seperating me from his pooper. It's the only time I don't do chinese cuts, just regular ones.
My problem with it is, they are copying what started out as prison attire and to me it glamorized the "thug" culture.
I agree, it just looks tacky in my opinion. I don't want to see anyone's underwear, male or female. It's called underwear for a reason. 8)
Could be part of it, but according to my aunt who worked as a guard at some pretty tough prison's in Florida when this whole thing started, it was because they were'nt allowed belts, hence the pants falling down. It may have multiple origins though, who knows. It's still tacky. 8)
I have never understood why some kid from middle class America wants to look like they came from the ghetto anyway. I guess it's rebellion in it's purest form. I saw some over the weekend up in Danville VA, which is about as far away from the "hood" as you can get. It's too funny!
The same reason some women buy jeans 3 sizes too small and they have massive roll over. And I'm not talking cellular minutes either.
Muffin Topping is a slight pouching, which I can be known to have b/c I have curves... I'm talking the women who look like they are being squeezed like a balloon. But Yeah... muffin tops... dunlap syndrome... all the same, some cases more severe than others. :lol:
Well, let's not forget about: 1) the "flappers" in the 1930's with their horrid dresses 2) the "mini skirts" in the 1960's, 1970's, 2007, 2008 3) the "halter tops" in the 1960's, 1970's, 2007, 2008 4) the "polyester pants with flowers" in the 1980's for disco My mother thought that I dressed just horribly when wearing halter tops, pheasant blouses, long blue jean skirts, head bands, etc. Then when disco hit oh good lord...thought I would puke at the polyester. Noticing a trend in stores...with the jeans, jean skirts, pheasant blouses, scarves, purses, etc. If I don't want to see it, I don't look. A bartender that was waiting on us, for dinner over the weekend, turned to get a glass and his pants started sliding down so we just looked away. Then the female bartender bent over to get some ice and we saw the tattoo and thong, once again we looked away. To each their own. If only everyone would dress like me. Grace :lol:
I've seen alot of that myself lately. With the lowrise, now EVERYBODY regardless of size can wear jeans. YAY. And top off that look with a tight, half shirt. That's right girl, let it all hang out. There is no shame to your game! I mean, they wouldn't sell the stuff at Lane Byrant if it weren't proper, right? So what if the models wear a size 6 (and their clothes don't even come in size 6!!)
1960's ad 1970's fashion 1930's flappers 1980's disco How funny. Just looking at these pictures is so funny how people dress at different times. Grace
You know, it is funny how styling trends are. My FIL said he had to wear hand-me-downs when he was in school...faded jeans that were too big, fade shirts, worn belts, etc. That embarrassed him. Now, that's the "in" thing. As for the baggy pants...I say let the thugs keep them. Makes it easier on the law to run them down with them having to hold their britches up!
Honestly, I don't really care. You want to walk around with your drawers hanging out, knock yourself out. Doesn't mean I'm not going to point and laugh at you. :mrgreen:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdFWa_OgciI Click on the link to get into the mood of the times and then have fun! Good old Iron Butterfly! Rock and roll would never last and they were all communists. How to Dress Like a Hippie Do have a flower. I know the song says "in your hair" but the truth is that it's hard to get the things to stay put. 2. No flower? Go for the Pocahontas headband. 3. Hair is long and "unkempt looking." (My mother's words) But it is clean. Yes, we washed our hair. Hey, deep down we were Baby Boomers from suburbia. 4. Women could wear a mini or even micro skirt provided she had decent legs. A chain belt was groovy. Boots or go-go boots were okay too. 5. Men - Jeans, the grungier the better. Leather vests were big too. 6. Fringe - for all. Vest, jackets, pants, shirts. Anything could be fringed. 7. Peace symbol. Every last one of us had at least one peace symbol. This chick has it all going. Hippie clothes include: 1. Hip hugger, bell bottom jeans and wide leather belt. 2. Fringed jean bottoms 3. Halter top 4. Headband with flower. (One way to keep the thing in place.) 5. Bare feet. You'll notice from the photo below that the practice of going barefoot tends to make your feet dirty. Plus, you can step in some serious er, stuff. Ankle bells are in. 6. Obligatory peace symbol. If you didn't want to wear it around your neck you could have a peace symbol belt buckle or pin. In which case you wore beads around your neck. Hippie clothes include: 1. Tee shirts are always acceptable 2. Fringed leather vest 3. Granny glasses were groovy too 4. Obligatory flower 5. Obligatory peace symbol Hippie clothes include: 1. Afro hair was the syle for blacks. The bigger the better. And the more radical. 2. Combat style vest. Combat jackets and fatiques were big too. 4. Leather sandals were worn for all occasions. And they helped you avoid all the problems associated with going barefoot. 5. Obligatory peace symbol Hippie clothes include: 1. Tie dye. We tie dyed everything from clothes to sheets. No, we didn't go to the mall and buy them. We made them. All over the Internet you can find sites that sell tie-dye packages that allow even a beginner to create a masterpiece. They have all kinds of products to make it perfect. We didn't have any of that fancy stuff. What we had was Rit dye. We'd twist or gather the fabic, secure it with a rubber band and pitch it in a pot according to the Rit directions. You don't get great multicolored perfect patterns, but what you do have is authentically handmade. 2. Facial hair - on men only! Beards or moustashes, but never nicely trimmed. 3. Bell bottom, patched jeans 4. Leather sandals 5. Obligatory peace symbol Everyone please realize that I am having fun with this Thread and take what I Post as Grace having some fun. Picked a time in fashion where it was funny!!! Grace http://www.fiftiesweb.com/fashion/hippie-clothes.htm
Ken, Thanks so much. I laughed and showed it to my mother. While she thinks we are all nuts to talk on the internet she did point her finger at me and shake her head on this one. How great! Grace :mrgreen: P.S. Where do I sign that petition?