Anybody ever buy from Tiger Direct?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by michelle, Jan 29, 2008.

  1. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Hubby found a big screen TV he wants and they have the best price on it. Just wondering if anybody ever bought from them and what your experience was. They have a website and a store in Raleigh and Durham.
  2. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member

    Yep, Bought 2 laptops, many many computer parts, & one TV. All still going strong.

    I would suggest buying from there or

    Happy Shopping! :mrgreen:
  3. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    DH has gotten some things from them, but nothing as major as a TV. Just check the return policy really well in case you have problems!
  4. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    i have bought small stuff and never had a problem...
  5. Mad Hungarian

    Mad Hungarian Member

    I do. It is the first source for my computer needs but I have not bought any TV's. Yes, it's a good idea to check the return policy, most times they charge a 10% restocking fee if not more. If you shop for other electronics check the online store since they have more of a variety there. Of course you pay for shipping on top of taxes. But TigerDirect has a sister store online. That one is and they do not charge sales tax. (Not many people know about that one). The downside of buying from TigerDirect online is if you get a bad item you cannot return it to the store so you have to pay the shipping to send it back for return/refund. If you buy online and that item comes with a rebate the process of filing your rebate can be somewhat cumbersome at times but the savings are great. Sometimes the rebate checks can take 3 months to arrive. And if you make just one little mistake on the rebate forms they get rejected so make copies of everything and 99% of the time they will ask you to re-submit it and if they just send you a letter telling you it was rejected you can call and plead your case and they will let you try it again, at least it worked for me a couple of times. If they offer an extended warranty by all means buy it, unless of course you can consider that TV a disposable item if it should break.
    Good luck!
  6. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    I just got DH a flat panel monitor for his computer from there, he seems happy with it so far.

    They seemed to have some great deals, we went to the store on Capital Blvd. DH was all about their prices on the big screen tv's they had.... but we don't need one. :mrgreen:
  7. space_cowboy

    space_cowboy Well-Known Member

    I disagree. You automatically get a one year warranty when you buy the tv, you can double that by putting it on a credit card (check with your company first to be sure). After even one year, what will that same tv be worth? Maybe half. After two? Look at how much the warranty costs and decide for yourself. Generally, extended warranties are a waste of money.
  8. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    The particular TV we are getting has a $450 instant rebate. I took that to mean that the $450 comes off the price right then.

    I never buy the extended warranty. Personally I think they are a waste of $.
  9. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member

    I purchased a speaker system for my pc, and a Panasonic Plasma TV from them as well. Their price beat Beat Buys by 200.00 for the same model BTW. I did my research for the plasma online through a number of sites including Tiger Direct's site - which has some videos on their site reviewing products in a pretty neutral manner (unless the person doing the review is totally crazy about the product - and then they are pretty excited about it)

    Absolutely no problem with Tiger Direct in general, BUT it is a place where you really need to know what you are looking for when it comes to most home entertainment products - their sales people are more computer savvy from my experiences.

    I would shop there again, but like I said - Do your homework (no matter where you shop).

    Ohhh, forgot I bought my flat screen monitor there (duh, looking right at it now :roll: ) Great deal too - it had an instant rebate - which was advertised online whether you purchased online or in the store ---some are online specials only so make a note of that.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2008
  10. Hoof-Hearted

    Hoof-Hearted Well-Known Member

    I have personaly baught 90 percent of my computor stuff from them. Never had any problems with rebates or customer service.
    I Did buy a Plasma T.V. from them and the X-Wife still uses it. and all this was over the internet. When I moved here in Dec. My Brother-in-law showed me the store. Yup I was a droolin.
    I consistantly Recomend Tiger Direct.
    and if something bad is going to happen it surely will happen to me first. See the POLL on another tread.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2008
  11. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    On my monitor that the wife bought me it has a 3 year parts and labor warrenty from the MFG. so I'm not too worried about it. As fot the TV's they did have some great deals going, and I didn't see too many that were listed as refurbs, unlike the pc's they have.

  12. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    DH & a friend built my last computer we bought in pieces from Tiger Direct. I gave DH my old computer and bought a dell about 2 years ago.

    I swore I'd never step foot back into Tiger Direct after my last episode. :banghead:
  13. rbcwolf

    rbcwolf Active Member

    I get email ads all the time from them. I have bought small stuff from them and had no problem. Seems like a good place to get a deal. Good luck.
  14. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Hubby just called and is on the way home with a 46" flat screen tv as we speak. Yippee!!!
  15. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    If I remember right Animal Lover has some bad things to say about them, you might PM her.
  16. wreckinstuff

    wreckinstuff Well-Known Member

    I bought my TV from there because they had the best price. Havent had a problem with it and it's been a year.
  17. peaches

    peaches Well-Known Member

    We use them all the time, and have never had a problem here. Only computer stuff, not TVs. Got a GREAT deal on my huge flat screen monitor for my PC. Instant rebate, and it's been replaced 3 times. Great deal you say? Yep, if they stand behind it and it was CHEAP!
  18. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    I'm really enjoying the 46 incher hubby brought home last night! :mrgreen:
  19. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    You are such a trip! :cheers:

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