We currently use Waste Industries and for a variety of reasons are considering a change. I've seen a number of companies here, and found some information on some, but I am wondering which of these pickup recycled stuff as well. We have always had recycling pickup for the past 15 years with various companies, but it looks like a lot don't offer this service anymore? I don't think All-Star does recycling. What about Waste Management, A Plus, Brocks?
Yeah, I love the Clark W. Griswold reference! Sorry to hear about All Star Peps, I think I was one of the people who referred you to them. And I think we are going to switch over as well, the cans don't seem to latch shut and there is a vent in the back? I can see the maggots forming already (not really, you know - but come summer).
A plus won't do it ecause it is not economically feasible since I am the only one down the road who needs garbage pick up. Yes, the drive is a small issue but the idea that he needed more then one account was foremost. I am calling Brocks now. - left them a message. We will see what happens.
The guy next to me takes it to work and burns the rest. But he puts everything into that darn plywood building he has got. I'll just call the sheriff on him if that building starts to draw vermin and they should have to make him clean it up. He has been pretty good about doing it a lot. They are the renters. The other folks are just moving in and I have no idea what their plan is yet. I am just getting annoyed at the stupid garbage and thankful that that is one of my larger problems at the moment..lol
update: Here's where I stand now: All star: no A plus: not unless I get two other neighbors to sign up Brocks: Doesn't do my area - and what a nice man to speak with! Busy Bee: I have to drag it down to the road. UGH! Next???
hey pepps, we have always used and been happy with ABC Sanitation, 662-2988. no clue if they can necessarily help you but it is one more place to try! much luck.
ABC - very nice lady but they will not come down my driveway either - too hard on the trucks, no I can't move. Sigh* just like the rest of my life - stuck in the garbage....*sigh* ..lol