La Piazza

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by KellBell, Dec 20, 2007.

  1. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Well come on! I'll drive.
  2. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    And I thought that was thunder I heard last night.

    I really did hear thunder TWICE, that means snow in 7-10 days!!!!!!
  3. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

  4. bluebird

    bluebird Guest

    La Piazza (Lowe's food shopping center at Hwy 42 and 50)

    I have to say that my husband and I were excited to meet some friends out for dinner tonight and thought the new La Piazza would be perfect. Boy were we DISAPPOINTED. I am really easy going and don't easily get my feathers ruffled, but we waited for over 45 minutes (they told us it would be a 20 minute wait) and finally left. The manager was rude not only to our party, but took a chair from a child waiting patiently for a table. We will NEVER go back to that restaurant again.
  5. tawiii

    tawiii Guest

    If you joined this forum to post this last night then you have previous knowledge of this thread. If you have previous knowledge of this thread, then you were fully aware that the wait times were running around 45 minutes. Seems to me, with all the knowledge going into the place you got your feathers ruffled rather easily.

    Did you go to the Chinese rest. next door? How was it?
  6. LI-bratz

    LI-bratz Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Feb 3, 2008
  7. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    I bet bluebird and omni one are pals....

  8. OmniOne1

    OmniOne1 Well-Known Member

    You know.. I saw her post yesterday before anyone replied. Yet I decided to hold my tounge. Don't start anything KellBell. Because there are plenty of things I could say.
  9. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Hey, hey, hey!!!! Don't mess with KellBell. If you mess with her you've messed with the whole trailer park and we are not nice when we're angry!!:x:evil:
  10. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Solved it using the Ignore button.
  11. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    ain't you swet Mee-Shell :mrgreen:

    I ain't skeerd of no 'I LOVE MARCO'S' tongue lashing....we all already survived that... :rolleyes:
  12. OmniOne1

    OmniOne1 Well-Known Member

    Well I wouldn't expect you to have any bad experiences with La Piazza. Considering you started this thread. So you want to talk about Bluebird and I being pals (which we arn't, we don't know each other)? Hate on me for liking Marco's. I'm sorry if it is better than La Piazza. But I wouldn't expect to sway you. As i said before your the one that started the I love La Piazza fan club. So why don't we just end it right now? Lets all just go into a board room. Order from a pizza from both of them and have a vote?
  13. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    You buying? :lol:
  14. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    First of all, the thread was started to let people know about a restaurant that was opening. no fan club, sorry try again...

    Secondly, I have had both pizzas, and quite frankly, Marco's sucks. I haven't ever said that, but I will now. Marco's sucks. Their garlic knots are ALWAYS raw and undercooked too. SO tell your buds up there at Marcos their pizza stinks (unless you like sauce pizzas) and their garlic knots have potential, but need to be COOKED.

    Thirdly, I was making a silly joke (and if you were a part of this thread for any amount of time, you would know that, DUH!!) regarding you and bluebird being friends. Lighten up Francis.
  15. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member

    Good thing the grammar and spelling police seem to be on vacation. Omni, they would have a field day with the above post. :roll:

    Well, in order to start a fan club, you must have a number of fans. Omni, the way you talk, you have something personally invested in Marcos. If you were just a fan of the place, and La Piazza just wasn't your cup of tea, then you wouldn't be so down everyone's throats when they comment they prefer La Piazza. Besides that, out of the 34 posts that you have made at the time I type this, 21 have been Pizza related, half of them dissing La Piazza, or the poster who said they enjoyed La Piazza. By the way, you mostly center on pizza and while La Piazza has pizza on their menu, they are a restaurant, NOT a pizzaria.

    Personally, I despise The Road House in White Oak Shopping Center. I've given it three tries and I have the '3 Strike Rule.' Every visit the service was poor, someone in our party was told they were out of whatever it was that they were ordering, someone's food was not cooked to order, or was barely warm, when it should have been hot, and in our opinion, it wasn't 'all that.' HOWEVER, there were plenty of people on this board who praised this place. . .to each his own. . .if we all had the same taste, it would be a dull world, and we'd all be lined up at the same eatery.

    Whether you are an owner/family member of Marcos, or just a super-loyal customer who needs to attempt to take on the role of 'Super Hero' and protector of Marcos' name, maybe consider giving it a break. I think you might be hurting your cause more so than helping it. While there are are over 4,000 registered members, only about 150 are fairly regular posters - the rest tend to lurk for the most part and while they may wish to stay out of the drama, they do take in quite a bit of what they read. Besides that, here on the "Discussion" side of the board, one doesn't even have to be registered to read posts. So, you don't know how many people you might be turning off by attacking posters and establishments that strongly appear like they might be your competition.

    Whether your ties to Marcos may or may not be, you are doing them more harm than good here.

    The main reason I stopped by this thread was to report that I finally made it into La Piazza, and I can be counted as a member of their fan club. The food was great; the prices were in line with the quality of the food; the service was friendly, and the portions were quite generous, however, there was no room for dessert :-(
  16. pcroom

    pcroom Well-Known Member

    We tried La Piazza a few days ago. Very good but we were a bit disappointed with the bread. It was cold and hard. Some hot crusty italian bread would have made it a perfect meal!!
  17. LI-bratz

    LI-bratz Well-Known Member

    ok this is to Blue Bird..........& then OMINONE1

    First if you bothered to read the posts in its entirety you would know that I am the manager. I have held my tongue all day by the mis information you posted. Where do I begin. iIf you think I am RUDE that is your preference. Be very careful about what you post about people on this forum. (slander). You are to new to being saying things that are not correct. The posting by you is a misrepresentation of the evening.

    So lets start by stating that yes you were in the restaurant Saturday night. However you were quoted 45 minutes & after 25 minutes I was asked when you all would be seated I told the certain individual within 5-10 minutes I was waiting for a certain table to leave that we were giving to you.

    As for me taking a chair from a child.........well that chair needed to go back to the dinning room so that I could seat a party. This issue has been resolved we now have a bench in the front. The reason the chair was there first of all was due in large part to the disabled man in a wheelchair that I was trying to assit. We were trying to make things as convient for this man as best we could because of his situation. Since you bluebird must have known that I was trying to assist a disabled man than I gather you felt the need to have priority seating over this man. I gather what you want is make sure that you come first & forget about the man who can not walk to a table. So until you Blue Bird know all the ins & outs & the facts about what was going on in My dinning room I suggest you keep your feathers to your self.
    I makes me sick to my stomach that you would even take the time to join the forum last night to post & mislead the entire community. I didn't see where you took the time to post about our staff taking care of the man & his elderly mother. Learn from this mistake/ post what you know to be a fact & or your opinion not a complete & utter misrepresentation of the situation.

    As for OMNIONE1..............pleae get over your self what ever conection you have with / to Marcos you are setting a very poor example. Both places have a right to be here & there is plenty room for anyone who wants to open any type restaurant. There is no comparrison between these two at all. Marcos does his thing his way & some people like & some don't. We do things our way & people love it. You continue to bash another business you are making a fool of yourself & giving Marcos a bad name by bashing others. That is not good business . Can you not find something better to do than only post about Marcos / La Piazza.
    How come you never say anything about Veneros or the other Italian place that opened up in Clayton.
    For those that are part of the said "fan club" we all thank you very much.
    Can I be President then???
  18. LI-bratz

    LI-bratz Well-Known Member

    the bread

    [sorry about the bread we did not know we had a problem with our toaster until Saturday night. .
  19. OmniOne1

    OmniOne1 Well-Known Member

    I really don't understand why I am a target here. I just responded to a post that singled me out. I really havn't mentioned Marco's at all. I didn't like La Piazza. And I like Marco's. I'm not thrashing people for liking it.

    I myself don't really like Logan's Road House. I have had bad experiences at the White Oak location myself. I did happen to be there yesterday at about 3pm. Service was good then. But it wasn't extremly busy. And our server only had one other table beside ours.

    If you ask me, Chili's is my favorite place at White Oak. That's just me.
  20. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member


    You posted 10 times in this particular thread, and in 5 of them (not counting the one above) you've mentioned Marco's. Short term memory problems perhaps?



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