Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by d15pwer, Nov 9, 2007.

  1. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    By definition
  2. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    If you want references to C3 being a cult in probably your more negative sense then you have no further to look than this thread (Posts 40 & 248 ).

    Of course you can pop the word cult into the search engine on this site and you will find C3 pop up quite frequently. Such as a couple of obvious examples as noted below:




  3. Clif

    Clif Guest

    Not sure why you had to post all that. It's simple really.

    Cult = A group who's faith you disagree with.
  4. magnolia

    magnolia Well-Known Member

    You know, I don't get it.

    Faith is a wonderful thing. I gives people hope. It gives them something to believe in.

    Faith allows people to find something positive in a world that has an awful lot of negative. It provides people with inspiration and aspirations. It gives humans something to hold onto when all around them may be falling apart.

    Faith is personal. Those who share the same beliefs as part of their faith, come together and share that faith. That's a good thing. Others who believe in something else come together to share their beliefs. Thats just as good a thing as the first group.

    So why does it have to be an "us or them" thing? What should it matter to Joe what Tom believes in as long as it doesn't harm others?

    Why is Tom "offended" because Scott is praying in front of him?

    Why is Scott offended that Susan's church is so big and modern?

    Why is Susan so insistent on trying to get Joe to join her church?

    Is it jealousy? Are people of one faith afraid that if something else is out there, they might be missing out on something better?

    What is behind this disparaging of other people's faith and churches?
  5. Clif

    Clif Guest

    Once again, it's simple.

    My god is better than your god.
  6. Grace Slick

    Grace Slick Well-Known Member

    So, in saying all of this I really need to understand some things. You do believe that it is okay for the following faiths/organizations etc.to practice there faith just as it okay for the Christians. And, you would not be offended if they practiced their faith in front of you, right? It certainly is their Faith and what is good for one is good for all, right?

    Church of Scientology
    Pentecostal Church of Besancon
    Beasts of Satan
    Manson Family
    People’s Temple
    Rastafari Movement
    Unification Church
    Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint

    Just to name a few!

  7. NadiaP

    NadiaP Well-Known Member

    I was going to ask opinions on C3...

    Hello all, I new to the area but have been reading this forum for months from Albuquerque before we moved a month ago. As my family and I look around for a new church, we tried out C3 last weekend, as it was their grand opening. I was glad to see the thread re: the church and all the info there. We came from a "mega-church" in Albuq. Much larger than C3 so I knew what to expect but I got a "funny" feeling from C3, cant quite put my finger on it. My girls enjoyed it and we will attend again, but I also think we'll look around some more.

    HXCforCHRIST Well-Known Member

    Glad to have you in the area, well if your looking for a mega-church than your not going to find on around here. I go to c3 and thats cool that you checked it out and I know its not for everyone but I recommend another Mega-church if you want to travel to Cary on Buck Jones road Hope Community is a great church. Hope this helps
  9. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

    You forgot an important religion that is on the rise:


    They believe that when you die your soul goes up on the roof and you can't get it down.
  10. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

    My definition of a CULT

    I've been looking at that word - CULT - and here's my take:

    C - CHRIST'S


    L - LOVE


    There may be better acronyms and definitions, but that one just jumped into my mind.
  11. magnolia

    magnolia Well-Known Member

    I believe that people should be allowed to practice their faith as long as:

    • Accomodating your faith is not funded by taxpayers. You want a footbath at the college? Bring your own bucket and get water from the tap. You want peace and quiet to pray? You can do so in the community quiet room just like everyone else does. No special taxpayer-paid-for room just for you.
    • Your practicing of your faith must not interfere with the daily lives of others. You do not get to block the doorway of the bathroom as you bow your head to pray to allah. If you get water on the floor when washing your feet, clean it up so no one slips and falls.
    • If your religion doesn't allow you to do a particular part of your job, then you should be let go so you can find a job that suits you. If you are a grocery clerk, you must touch and ring up all pork roasts that come down the conveyor. If you are a taxi cab driver at the airport, you must carry all passengers, even if they are carrying alcohol. If you don't want to sell birth-control pills, then don't be a pharmacist. You should be fired on the spot for demanding othewise.
    • Your practicing your faith cannot interfere with others practicing their faith.
    • If, in the act of practicing your faith, you harm others physically, your actions will be seen as an act of agression and violence, not relgion...and you will be held accountable.

    Just to name a few.
  12. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Except for maybe the first bullet (I might supply the foot-baths if there is a possibility that a safety hazard exists and I could get sued) I agree fully with your statement.

    All those folks that mentally inserted Islam/Muslim, I ask you to go back and read that again and insert "Christian" for the above statements. (Magnolia, I am not saying you did, because I can clearly see you put some thought into it)
  13. scbuff

    scbuff Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Jan 31, 2008
  14. deliqueen

    deliqueen Guest

    :?: I'm NOT trying to be judgemental, nor start a fight, but I just don't get WHY YOU even care how, or why or WHERE, or WHAT he lives in...I mean would you have more respect for the man if he lived in a single wide trailer down on Josephine Rd.? I mean WHO really cares???...the fact that you looked up this mans property values....welll that's kinda creepy...like stalkerazi type creepy...just drive by his house and say...WOW! thatsa nice house!...and be done with it...sheesh!....:chillpill:
  15. jennandchad

    jennandchad Active Member


    As I read these posts about C3, time and time again, it turns into some great debate and start taking pot shots, making claims, etc. I understand that this is a discussion board and everyone is entitled to opinions, but are we not all adults here? I will start off by saying that I am a C3 member so anyone is entitled to say that my opinion is biased (all of our own opinions are biased). I do respect everyone's opinions, but some things said are just plain wrong or low blows which I guess we should expect to here things like this and we will continue. I do feel obliged to say a few points and a little personal testimony about myself because I know a lot of people read this, some of which, may be actually looking for some real information that they can use to make decisions (and I am sure a few will shoot me down too).

    When something is successful and growing (especially as it pertains to something around religion), it is always the subject of controversy. That is human nature. C3 has consistently grown since its inception it has consistently became a subject of controversy and this is not going to end, that is the growth or the controversy. Let's say that I am very disappointed in those that are Christians and they reflect negatively on C3. C3 is not The Church is a A Church.

    Clearly, C3 is doing something that is of interest and is reaching in a personal way Christians and non-Christians (like myself two years ago). C3 is church (there are thousands of them around here, correct?) that believes in three main ideas - (1) Exposing the gospel of Jesus Christ, (2) Equiping Believers to be fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ and (3) gives Believers a chance to Experience ministry (i.e. volunteer your time and resources for others). This is what every church should do, however, I understand that the way in which they do it may be different and that is good. There should be no one way to do this, if that was the case everyone would ultimately be turned off. The way in which C3 chooses to do it is clearly working for many. They are not a cult. Christianity is practiced by over 1/3 of the world and over 1/2 of the country (in some form or another). They have a different way of doing things, but it all comes back to the bible. And C3 is a bible based church. They believe in it in an unwaivering way and any other opinion that offers any different than this is just plain wrong.

    It's size, the so-called unavailability of the leadership, etc. are valid concerns of people which may turn them away, that is expected. However, I will tell you from a personal standpoint that it gets small in two ways. By getting connected in a bible study group, you are put together with a group of families, singles, etc. (whatever your background) that meet and hopefully with the goal that they will become connected to your life and help each other when it is needed. When my mom past away last year, the couples in my connect group, got me through the toughest time in my life, I do not know what I would have done without them (and as I got through my struggles, I have had the priviledge of helping others in their struggles). The second way they get small is by having you participate in a ministry volunteer team in which you work with a group of people volunteering your time so the church can function whether it is watching children, cleaning up the place or helping people park. Here you work with a team that is helping other people and that team becomes part another friendship circle, that will again will connect you with real people. Bottom line here is that you have a chance to connect with people, help people and you don't have to go it alone.

    The church can not be about a pastor, if it is then its all gone wrong. The church needs a pastor that is a strong believer that hopefully God can work through them to reach out to them and provide them hope and the Good News. I believe Pastor Matt is doing this, but it could be someone else. If you need to have a personal relationship with the Pastor than C3 is not for you. Some people do, but that is because they are volunteer leaders and dedicate a lot of their time to the church and reaching out to people themselves and Pastor needs to work with them given their roles.

    Lastly, I will tell you quickly my personal testimony. I moved to NC two years ago as a non-practicing Christian/agnostic type with no reason to believe that I needed to go to church because it did nothing for me. C3 changed that. It showed to me that there was a practical way to teach the bible and attempt to live it out. It showed me that there was a place I could go and meet other Christians that I could share my experiences with. It showed me a place where my kids could be around other kids that were hopefully going down the right path. It showed me a place that was being led by dedicated leaders and volunteers that give so much of their time in order to make a difference in the lives of others. It showed to me a place where everyone was accepted, no matter what they look like or their background. C3 is a place that facilitated me finding Jesus Christ in a way that I never could have imagined and by learning the teachings of Jesus, I have learned to put others before myself and I never did that before. Life was about me and what could it do for me. Now it is about what can I do today to help someone. I am not perfect, nor is C3 perfect nor is anyone perfect. As humans, we all fall short, we will always sin. But C3 has put an awareness in me that says I can make a difference in someone's life and I try to and you can too. It doesn't have to be C3 that helps you make this revelation, but it could be. I do not push Christianity or C3 on anyone (but I try to invite them there). But I strongly believe that if everyone practiced the teachings in the bible, the world would be a better place. It doesn't mean there won't be acts of Christian that are un-Christianlike. Bottom line, it has changed by life in such a positive way and I have met so many people that it has done the same for. If you watch these testimonies on the video links, you will see what C3 has been a part of (the glory goes to God).

  16. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    honestly? YES.

    it kinda makes it look like he does it for the money to live in a giant expensive house and drive a giant expensive car. he should be doing it for the love of his God and for the belief in the altruism of the work. the reward is not supposed to be in dollars and cents...IMHO
  17. LI-bratz

    LI-bratz Well-Known Member

    I brought this all up a while back & was called a LIAR

    I am glad someone posted his property tax listing. WHY YOU ASK?? All the people who attend C3 now will see where some of your tithes are going to. Do you all not realize that this house is paid for by C3. Yes, It has his anme & his wifes name but the tithes from C3 people pay for the mortgage & taxes.

    The point is that this listing shows you C3 people that your Pastor is living above the needs of your church. Why does the Pastor need to reside in such a BIG HOUSE that your church is paying for?
  18. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

  19. Clif

    Clif Guest

    You know, I quit asking that question. It never gets answered.
  20. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    ANY Church pays a Pastor a salary. Many provide free housing, bills and still pay a decent salary.

    I'm sorry, but no one on here knows what the Pastor and his wife financial decisions in their life have been. You do not know if either come from wealthy families or have inherited money. You also do not know if they have invested wisely.

    Unless he is taking from the Church, without it's knowledge to fund his lifestyle, it is no ones business.

    It just seems childish and trivial to bring this type of thing up. I mean really, because someone has dedicated their life to sharing the Lord should they live any different home than you and I?

    Bottom line, it's not his fault you didn't get an education and can't afford a nice home. Just like it's not my fault if my house is nicer, bigger than yours, because frankly I did get an education, worked hard and my husband and I have very rewarding careers. Take responsibility for where you are in YOUR life financially. Stop being jealous, because he has made good financial decisions in his.

    As I've always said, I'm not a member there, and have never been there. I just get sick of hot air bags always putting down something they are obviously so envious of.

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