i know this area is mostly christian, and i probably know the answer but are there any private catholic schools in the area?
For those of you who might not know a lot about charter schools they are open to any student in the state so even though Neuse Charter School is located in Johnston County any North Carolina student can apply. There are some Wake County parents that might be interested to know this!!!! The drive is not bad and it's worth it! And again it's free. For more inforation on North Carolina charter schools check out www.pcstriangle.org Neuse Charter has an open door policy so feel free to call and arrange a tour any time office 965-8088 or email ncsinfo@neusecharterschool.org Can you tell we LOVE my son's school????? DB's wife
Thanks for all the good information. I didn't know we had a charter school in the area - I am going to check that out.... Thank you.
Dangerboys wife..... I checked out the Neuse Charter school site - it sounds great.... I do not know how the PM thing works - will that send me an email? I would like to talk with you further off board about the school if you don't mind.
I only know of Catholic schools in the Raleigh area. There are several in Raleigh, but I personally do not know of any in this area.
I agree that boredom in school can lead to a whole other set of issues. I was one of those children who had it very easy in school and got bored right away. That lead me to the Dark Side (not talking about politics), on some things. Our schools and parents are trying to address that boredom and I think they are on the right track. Be careful not to stress your child out. Between parents, peer pressure and a sense of competition these kids can become overwhelmed and stressed. As a parent I try to balance my own sense of what I would like my daughter to accomplish with hers and I try to find a balance. Please note that I use the word "Try" often because it is hard. Grace
I would love for Little One to go to The Greenfield School. We've checked it out and it is fabulous...but it's in Wilson. At that time (2 yrs ago) they didn't have enough students from the Clayton area to warrant a bus. They said if they got enough, they'd bus to/from Flowers. Frogger <need to check back on that bussing thing, btw. Thanks for the reminder>