Raleigh — A Lee County man will be monitored by a Global Positioning System device for the rest of his life. Murnice Chandler was convicted on 21 counts of indecent liberties with a child and was sentenced Monday to 10 years in prison. I don't understand why he will have to wear one of these if he's in prison anyway? :?:
The device "allows us to know their whereabouts if needed," Rowland said. I took that from your link. I believe it to mean that if someone were to escape or get paroled they could be tracked. Grace
I read that also and couldn't figure out what exactly it was meaning. Is he getting parole for his 21 counts?
They should put these on all prisoners. Or, maybe those magnetic boots they had in Faceoff. Wait. What about one of those fancy neckpieces, you know where you get so far away and it blows your head off? Like Saw.
Hubby made me watch Saw iv. Same twisted plots as saw 1 2 & 3. This mess could on forever. I see Saw 20 as a reality. Sick F'ks!
I only watched the first one.........................I'll leave the others for someone else to watch. What a twisted movie.
Hubby loves the saw movies. (which deep down scares me) I am forced to sit in the same room while he watches. I hide behind the pillows of the couch most of the movie with my ears covered and softly humming. :lol:
LOL! I just conveniently find something else that REALLY needs doing around the house when stuff like that is on! :mrgreen: Clean a closet, ANYTHING!