using words in a sentence correctly. My daughter is working on a Psychology class in high school (college level) and she has five words that she has to use in a sentence. She has written the sentences but would like to check on the internet to make sure she used them correctly. She and I cannot find a website to help. Probably because of the amount of work she has tonight. Can anyone help us with a website quickly? Don't want the answers...want to know if she is using the words correctly in her sentence. Five words: dialectic, homeostasis, congruent, solipsism and mumpsimus. She has written five sentences but needs to double check. They have books in the class but some of the words are not in the book. Human behavior on each. THANK YOU! Grace
Don't know any sites, but I can give you a sentence that should work if you would like. The young girl was given an assignment to use the words dialectic, homeostasis, congruent, solipsism and mumpsimus in a sentence. Glad, I could help! P.S. I would recommend you check my grammar!
If your looking for a definition I've found this one useful. To correct sentence structure why not use the checker in MS Word? Or you can download "Open Office" which has the same checkers? The site above gives a better definition within a sentence if you type the word into the search box and not use the "alpha" listings. "The Dialectical Ascent out of Plato's Cave"!!!! I hated psych and I hated Plato even more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:lol::lol::lol:
ddordan, Thanks so much. She is out on and has typed her sentences into Word with no corrections showing but wants to double check. Will check the site you posted. Grac
Thanks so much. Will look at that website as well. I think she has it now. You guys are just the best!!!!!!!! Grace Best bet is to buy "The Little Brown Handbook"...but this companion site will do in a pinch.
Mag, Thank you so very much. We have bookmarked the website. I swear double checking these was very hard last night. Funny thing, As can be seen above, the very first word was just scanned by me in the beginning and I looked at my daughter and said what is so hard about that word? I stated "Yankees will never understand the Southern dialect because we don't want them too." She said "What are you talking about Mom?" I looked at the word again and said "Stupid Mom, I just glanced and should have paid closer attention." Once again, thanks to all for the links. Grace :banghead:
Thanks so much. We may need your and your sister's help this semester. She has several papers to write but she must do them on her own. I am just trying to lead her to the light and my light has long faded when it comes to this subject. Grace
I already like her and I have yet to meet her. Thanks so much. Will PM you when help is needed, in advance. For your info: I bowed out of the other Thread. Thanks so much for helping. Grace