Looks like my dog has poked/scraped himself on his upper eyelid on a stick or branch in the yard. I just noticed the other day. The skin appears to be red/inflamed/dry and "looks" like the fur is thinning? I really can't get ahold him to get a good look, he doesn't appear to be in pain - the wound is scabbed over. Is this something I can treat at home, or does it merit a trip to the vet?
If the skin appears to be red and inflamed, it sounds like there is a possibility of an infection. Better have a vet check it out - wiser to be safe than sorry.
Hey zoo, it is looking worse today. I need to get him into the vet. It is spreading. And his eye is kind of weepy? Some oozing that I cannot get a good look at to see where it is coming from. Wonder if it is some kind of mange? And it is puffy. This is all around his eye. He is licking his paw and rubbing it.
What is spreading? Does he appear to have any pain associated with the other symptoms you are seeing? If you have seen the same with no improvement in a day, I would call the vet.
Sounds like a trip to the vet tomorrow is in order. If you have an e-collar (you can get them at petsmart) it would probably be good to put it on him until you can get him seen by the vet so he does not cause further irritation to the eye area. He wont like it, but it will help him to not scratch and rub at the eye.
le, the redness and thinning of his hair is spreading. It is outlining his eye. There is no injury to his eyeball, his eyeball is not weepy, more the wound on his eye lid if that makes sense - but it looks better today. He does not appear to be in pain he hardly seems to notice it unless it "itches" I guess which is why he might be rubbing it.
Good idea, thanks. DH will have to take him, it would be impossible for me to tote this 60 lb *puppy*dog along with 60 lbs of hellions to the vet.
Turned out to be a food allergy. Go figure. I bought some Ole Roy one day to add to his regular food to stretch... Won't do that again.