anyone living in clayton have any thoughts on the special election scheduled for february 19? The n&o had articles on both candidates on wednesday and thursday. in my opinion holder is out campaigning lawter. none of our friends have seen or know lawter. holder has personally been to all of our houses asking for our vote. i know for a fact holder has personally delivered absentee ballots to many shut-in families in clayton. there will be a light turnout for this special election. absentee ballots may be the deciding factor. all we have seen of lawter is big signs and a big sign on the top of a car riding around clayton. if anyone knows butch they had better tell him to get busy if he want the town council seat again.
I will let Butch know. I saw Art at the Post Office today and he had printed off brochures at home. The size was incorrect so each one cost him $.57 to mail. I told him that it would be more cost effective use someone's bulk mail or to reprint but he went ahead and paid. The Postal worker, also, told Art it would be more cost effective, yet he still paid and stood putting stamps on as I left. If he handles the Town of Clayton's finances like is an easy vote for me! Grace
I agree. But if what Barney says is true Art deserves to win. This election is all about getting your supporters to the poll. Absentee ballots is one way.
A while back 4042 had a candidate who came out on 4042 and answered citizen's questions. Just a suggestion. Grace
Because you are always right and no one ever answers your questions. Your questions may not get answered the way you want them too but they get answered. Mind your manners, young man. I have learned much and enjoyed our debates/discussions but constantly getting nagged is growing old. Grace
Stay on one Thread and quit running. All "you" people run. I am losing track. No pity party on my end...1/3 of the vote the very first time is bragging rights, buddy. Stay put...You Are The Man...I Give Up! Grace :lol:
Judge just ruled that all 5 of the original candidates must be on new ballot. February 19 vote is cancelled.