hey chicka....see if this other thread helps....alot of people were just talking about this a couple a days ago....may or may not answer your specifics http://www.4042.com/4042forums/showthread.php?t=9356
We just had a discussion about this at http://www.4042.com/4042forums/showthread.php?t=9356 Based on that discussion, I switched from Road Runner regular to RR Lite last week. I can see no difference.
Been using lite for a couple of years. We even use it with our internet phone service. Everything works fine.
I have been using the RR lite for about a year now and i have regular RR before. The biggest difference you will see if when you dowload stuff off the internet such as MP3s,videos,etc. It will take about twice as long to download it down
+1 on this and the rest of the comments. We have been using Lite for several months with great results.