Whose up for a trip to Boynton Beach?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by magnolia, Feb 2, 2008.

  1. magnolia

    magnolia Well-Known Member

    This will blow your mind. Something is not right here. I suggest several of us go on a road trip to Boynton Beach and teach these stupid girls a lesson.


    OMG! I can't believe this. The girls admit to stealing the money, but they haven't been charged because they didn't "use force" or take the money from the "girl's hands" ?!?! I smell "nepotism" here. These spoiled barbie-brats know someone...and are getting away with admitted theft. If I were the Girl Scout's mom, I'd be raising some real cane.

    Watch the video at the link. You will get so ticked off watching these two brats. They need to have their prissy little butts kicked.
  2. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    I am on my way to Boynton Beach today as a matter of fact. (really!!!) Shall I hunt her down?:lol::lol:
  3. ddrdan

    ddrdan Well-Known Member

    What do people expect? Follow any reality show and you'll see the same scenario. Steal, rob, cheat, lie and screw your way to the top without remorse. Who's the #1 babysitter in America? The TV! Combine that with a congruent complacency among Americans to ignore parenting as a responsibility and you create the girls in the video.

    I work in a restaurant nights. Been at it for about 6 years now. I see the kids that have “real” parents and the ones that don’t. I can tell you the number of don’ts outweigh the do’s. I’ve had parents (and I use that term lightly) ask me for, views of a TV, or, a confining booth, or, a table that we can keep the kids confined. It’s pretty apparent that the kids’ rule and the parents go along with it.

    What happened to shut up, sit down, and be quiet or else!!!! What these 2 girls have done doesn’t faze me in the least, because it’s only the product of what many parents in our society have created. And the fact that the law can’t do anything about it, illustrates the need for change. Because they are minors, I say make the parents "do the time" for the crime.
  4. magnolia

    magnolia Well-Known Member

    Yes...both of them. :mrgreen:
  5. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    I am here in Boynton... haven't found them yet, but still looking!:lol::lol:

    Man is it HOT. We had to run in the store and buy bathing suits! I was thinking sick grandma, pack pj's and clothes... we have already been to the beach! (she doesn't get out of the hospital until tomorrow!) It is 85 or so here and man us NC'ers are feeling it!
  6. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    :cheers: One of the girls is in custody for an existing warrent.
  7. magnolia

    magnolia Well-Known Member

    As of today they still haven't "decided"? What is there to decide? I'd like to know who is in whose pants there in Boynton Beach. You know the public is outraged and are calling in their outrage...yet they still haven't "decided"?

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