Does anyone have any recommendations (or warnings) on who you use for annual termite spraying/control for your house? My contract is up and I'm looking at new companies to compare ... was looking for people's positive or negative experiences. PMs are fine. Thanks!! Carol
We use Orkin for both termite and pest control. My reasoning has always been to go with a national company in case of being relocated. Grace
You might want to do a search within theses forums for this, there have been a number of threads with exactly that info in them.
We use Wood Termite and Pest Control in Smithfield 934-7961. Used them for several years never had a problem.
Thanks, it's Wood that has impressed me the most so far. I was hoping to get someone's impressions on them.
Thanks, Hugh ... I'm bad about searching for info, unless it's in the past half dozen pages. I forget about the key word search feature.
I second, third or fourth Wood. Used them for over 20 years for my old Victorian in Selma, and have used them here also.
I believe that is who we used for the inspection of our home when we bought it 7 years ago. No complaints here.