La Piazza

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by KellBell, Dec 20, 2007.

  1. OmniOne1

    OmniOne1 Well-Known Member

    Shall I use a codename? That way when I mention it in context it makes sense but then you can't run around saying "Oh My! He did it again".
  2. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member

    Code name? :lol: What? You want to be a secret agent, or something?

    Omni, the point is, you don't like La Piazza - You've stated you don't like the size of the place, the food, nor the staff. Anyone who has read your posts understands that. Ditto for the fact that you love Marco's.

    Normal people on this board state their opinions about a business and elaborate IF they are asked something in particular. What you are doing is beating a dead horse (and I won't use that ridiculous gif) We all get your point of view - some may agree with you (Bluebird) and maybe others who don't post their opinions, but the rest of the posters here seem to view La Piazza in a favorable manner. If you don't like their opinions, tough. It's a free world and no one will ever twist your arm trying to get you to return there. If I owned the place, I'd probably invite you to stay far away :lol:

    Give it up already :banghead:
  3. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Oh, so many things I could say here....
  4. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    I've got one for you, let me know! ;)
  5. OmniOne1

    OmniOne1 Well-Known Member

    The point I am trying to make is that I havn't commented about La Piazza or Marco's in a while. This does not mean I havn't said the the names. But I havn't said anything bad about La Pizza. I made my points and I'm done, and have been done. The same with Marco's. I have not mentioned anything good about them in quite a few weeks. The reason why I have more Marco's and La Piazza posts is because I became registered about the same time those posts were popular. Yet you still havn't quit? Give it a rest.
  6. falcon

    falcon Well-Known Member

    As I sit here and read all the bickering back and forth about each place I also see when someone makes a statement that someone else doesnt like they are bashed for saying it. Are they not entitled to their opinion as well as you are? This has always been the case on all forums. Personally I can not attest to either pizza place but do find it amusing how childish things get when someone disagrees.
  7. bluebird

    bluebird Guest

    Lets get back to the facts of the evening since LI-bratz is trying to put La Piazza in the best light possible. BTW It is not my preference that you are RUDE I would most certainly have preferred someone not RUDE (we probably would have waited).

    We arrived at La Piazza establishment at 5:50 and did not leave there until 6:35. We were quoted 20-25 minutes, which I have to admit the manager was not the person that quoted that time. That (contrary to your statement) is 45 minutes and a fact of the evening. There was no information on how much additional time we would have to wait. When we asked how much longer it would be (as we were being paitent) - the manager snapped and stated that there are only 2 tables for 6 and we would have to wait until one of the 2 left (one of the 2 had just been seated and the other had not received their food). There was no discussion of 5-10 minutes.

    Quit trying to pull the heart strings about the chair. I am pleased to hear that La Piazza has corrected the seating at the entrance. It doesn't matter what happened before we got there. No one in our party saw a disabled man, he must have been seated already or the chair wouldn't have been in the entrance. So your assumption that I felt I needed priority seating is just plain wrong. The simple fact of the matter is that when the manager could have politely asked the young person to move so the chair could be moved back into the dining room - the choice was made to demand the chair. Besides the person sitting in the chair - wasn't even from our party.

    This is a message board which I found out about the night we visited this establishment. I thought that I needed to express my opinion to others as I could not (and still can not) believe the lack of customer service. I am surprised at the stories that are coming from you especially being the manager of La Piazza. There was no mistake about my post.

    I still stand with my statement that I will not return to La Piazza.
  8. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    more tables and less wait time for the rest of us who do like the restaurant then... :mrgreen:
  9. peaches

    peaches Well-Known Member

    :iagree: You just beat me to that comment!
  10. tawiii

    tawiii Guest

    Whew, slid that in under the two hour mark.8)
  11. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    I've still got to try that place. Haven't had a chance yet. Sounds yummy!
  12. peaches

    peaches Well-Known Member

    Oh yeah? I was thinkin it for DAYS... :)
  13. EngNCSU

    EngNCSU Well-Known Member

    WOW! Great food!

    My wife and I ate at La Piazza last night, and it was awesome! Great food, and our waiter was outstanding. Our entrees were ready within 5 minutes of our finishing our salads, and I have to tell you that the food is really good. My mother has some italian in her, and can make some really good, authentic italian food, and the tortelinni that I had last night was right on target, great!

    One concern, it is small, hopefully when it warms up they can figure out a way to use the patio outside to add some seating!
  14. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    While there aren't really any places at White Oak I won't eat, the worst service I've experienced up at the White Oak area was at the Chili's. But then again unless I am with my parents, or neighbors who have a small child, the wife and I always sit at the bar. And I base my service experience based on how the bartender operates. And while it is not the only resturant in the White Oak area with a bar it has traditionally been the worst for service, atleast in my visits.

    And I do still go cause I love some of their foods, I just don't expect a lot any more service wise.

  15. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    One concern about that is what the law will allow for outdoor seating as far as open containers and public drinking.

  16. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    We ate at that Chilis a week ago, and the food was inedible. I don't know if they have new owners, or the cook was off that day or what, but it was bad! My chicken tasted like rubber, or worse. My husband said his ribs were nasty, the brocolli looked like it had sat in water all day. One of my kids' fries were burnt, the others looked raw, and my rice was soggy. I couldn't believe how bad it was...I'm not crazy about chilis anyway, but this was really bad. I hope it was just a one-time thing.
  17. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    Well the worst place I've ate at up at White Oak is Logan's. I've given them at least 4 chances and I can safely say I will not ever eat there again. The service sucked, the food sucked...overall terrible experience each and every time. Another place that sucks in Clayton is Lonestar. I've given that place 3 tries so they are out as well.

    Chili's has always provided me with great food and service. I love Primavera and I also like Wild Wings.

    My daughters birthday is tom. so she wants Kanki, so I think we are finally going to try Kobe. I've heard mixed reviews from them, anyone been there recently?

    I wish we'd get a decent Chinese restaurant in Clayton.
  18. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    Southernborn - that is so funny, I'm just the opposite! I love Logans, and have always loved their food there, although the service is off sometimes. I've eaten at Lonestar only twice, once was a week ago for lunch, and it was good. The other time was their brunch on Sunday, and it was good, but expensive.
  19. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    Don't get me started about the Lonestar. I can tell you that I had dinner there one night withthe wife, was not impressed in the least and e-mail the corp. office with my concerns, left my e-mail address as well as a contact numbers. Two days later I walked into another Clayton establishment and over-heard how someone had gotten a few people in trouble a few nights before at Lonestar with a complaint. Guess it was me since some of the things that I pointedly mentioned in my complaint was mentioned by the Lonestar employee. And to top it all off Lonestar never had the balls to call or e-mail me back.

  20. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    While I personally have only had lunch there while sitting at one of the tables, I do get sushi there weekly. I've not heard any really bad things about the place and it beats driving all the way to Crabtree (although Kanki does offer 1/2 sushi rolls for a more varied meal).


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