Has anyone bought an furniture from Badcock and gone to pick it up instead of having it delivered? If so, was your furniture damaged?
We purchased my daughter's bedroom set there. We had it delivered, great service and quality furniture cheap.8)
I was planning on buying furniture there when we moved into our new home this past fall but after walking around and looking at everything several times, we could never get anyone to help us. We went elsewhere.
We plan on buying there very soon, and picking it up. We had really good service when we visited and it was Christmas eve. The prices are right and the furniture seems to be good quality.
Had them in Florida when I was there. They remind me of Heilig Meyers...I furniture shop with Heavner's on 70, between Smithfield and Clayton..ask for Dorothy, tell her we sent ya... Carl
reviews seem great. I think the biggest problem will be keeping our 1 year old dog from eating the furniture. He chew apart our last set. Any suggestions on that? Cant crate him, gone to many hours on some days. Wont leave him out side, over protective mommy. Did try the bitter apple stuff, he thought it was an appetizer. Also tried some hot sauce mixed with water-he loved it. was licking it off as I sprayed it.
I went on line trying to make an appointment. The whisperer is tooooo busy. This dog is very lucky that he is very cute. He tore apart a sofa, love seat and chair. Ironically he did not eat my husbands ugly brown reclyner. Oh I did not mention, the ballisters and some of the wood on the stairs.
not sure. We should be going within the next week. Ill ask and let you know. I was hoping it was dog resistant.
Yes- ball-i-ster. Im not doing well tonight am I? At least Its a bit funny. Anyway, any help on the k9 problem? He has been fixed. No -----
we bought a new living room set last year and had it delievered the guys that came where great, they even moved my old couch out before bringing in the new stuff.. the store service was wonderful, cant remember the guys name but very nice and helpful!!
dog whisperer ... with response to the 2 threads going on..I'm responding to the doggie problem... that dog needs some exercise. also, he can be crated...wear his little butt out with a long walk (yes, dogs are a commitment) in the morning, and he can be crated during the day. Or, take him to doggie day care. We had a yellow lab that I took once a week to a doggie day care. It was great for him (and us). Take him to Bone Voyage. It's up off of 42 (turn at the light before the Carolina Ale House). Ask for Katie, and she will do wonders with your dog. www.bonevoyageinc.com phone 329-9892