I think they already use something to that effect. It is a documented fact that more people are killed in motor vehicle accidents than by gun shots.
Wonder if this is all part of the Real ID program? Since this is an event that happens once every five years, how much of a problem is it really? Unless thieves are very lucky they would have to go through your mail quite a bit. If that happens then you have bigger problems.
Evidently the sheep aren't ready yet.......One day we will have to ask permission to deviate from our schedule/route in the new Global World Order. Why is NC one of the first states to have a Real ID qualified license?
DMV Wants 100 New Positions to Handle Expected Long Lines http://www.wral.com/news/state/story/2419961/
All this, and then I read an article earlier today that said that Homeland Security is going to relax some of the requirements on immigrants. Let's just head in circles.
Since I already have a CCW permit and go through the background checks every 5 years will I be waived from this additional check from DMV? Craig
Would you like a Coronary Bypass with that? Come back in 3 months. Oh boy ...I can hardly wait for universal healthcare.
DMV to mail driver’s licenses - update - starts today Got mine renewed a month early the "old fashioned way". Good for another 8 years. - - - - - - - - - - - - http://www.wral.com/news/local/story/3131792/ RALEIGH, N.C. — Due to a new law, the days of an over-the-counter driver's license are coming to an end. Folks will be getting a temporary driving permit instead that will be good for 20 days. DMV officials said the extra wait time allows for more sophisticated background checks. “The program’s goal is to help fight identity theft and address fraud,” DMV Commissioner William Gore Jr. said. “There will be an adjustment period for our customers, but the return on securing our driver licenses should make up for any inconvenience.” If you pass all DMV tests, a license will be mailed to your permanent address within 20 days. "Basically you will be going into the driver’s license office and doing the same thing you've been doing for years,” DMV spokeswoman Marge Howell said. The only difference, you will not be leaving with your new driver's license. "Instead of getting a driver's license, you will be getting a temporary driving certificate,” Howell said. Licenses will no longer be made on-site at each DMV office. Instead, they will be made at a single Raleigh location, based on state legislation passed two years ago. Wayne Hurder, of the state Department of Motor Vehicles, estimated that about 90 percent of applicants will likely get their new driver's license mailed to them in five days. For those people who require extra verification, it will take longer. "Any of the documents you provide now, we will be able to bring them to Raleigh and make sure that they are true and good documents,” Howell added. The temporary license will be good for 20 days, and you will be able to get to keep your old license for a photo ID. "Yeah, I think it's a good idea. I think it's going to be good for security as far as that is concerned," driver Patrick McNair said. The new "central issuance" law takes effect Tuesday; however, Lillington will be the first place to make the switch. Gore said the Lillington site was chosen because it is a less crowded operation and it is located close to Raleigh. “It gives us a chance to work through the new system and be sure everything is in order before going statewide,” he said. Central issuance is expected to expand to DMV offices across the state by the end of 2008.
If you read the article it says about 1/2 way down that local DMV offices will no longer be able to print licenses. If you are afraid of it being in the mail do you trust it more to come to your house or to be mailed back to DMV? Personally I think I would trust it to come to my house....
Well, since our license is good for such a long time and it's not a yearly thing, someone would have to know the expiration date and year on your license in order to stake out your mailbox. If you renew a month in advance, it most likely would throw culprits off - I would think an option to add a few bucks to the price of the license to require a "return receipt" where you had to SIGN for it would put my mind at ease. BTW-just a heads up for people who still use snail mail to pay bills - DO NOT mail out credit card bills/utility bills by placing them in your mailbox and putting up that red flag. In Minnesota, and many other states, there was a ring of thieves who would drive up to mailboxes with red flags up and open the box and pull out all items that looked like bills being paid and put other items back in. They not only had a copy of their victims check, with address, phone number etc, but also their account number! Apparently there are a number of thieves going through mailboxes these days in attempts to steal NetFlix and other mail order DVD's People suck! Locking mailboxes aren't a bad idea, but they only protect your incoming mail, you would still need to take outgoing mail to the P.O. a public mailbox, or to work to mail them out.
So true. A raised flag at night and over the weekend just makes it easy for thieves to zero in on you. I love on-line bill pay. Rarely use the mail box to send out anything.