Undecided On Dog Breeds

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by CakePrincess, Feb 11, 2008.

  1. CakePrincess

    CakePrincess Well-Known Member

    My family and I are ready to adopt a dog/puppy. We had a beagle who died last year and we still missed him. We were discussing about the breeds that we liked, due to their size:

    1. Beagle[​IMG]
    2. Jack Russell[​IMG]
    3. Cavalier King Charles[​IMG]

    We're familiar about beagle and we love them dearly, but we're afraid that we're going to be sad and grieving over our dog since they're look alike. We're wondering about Jack Russell, since I read that they're livewire and jumpy. Cavalier King, playful? I do not know much about #2 and #3 dog, so if you do know these breed, please share your thoughts here.

    We're looking for a dog/puppy who is very playful, active, like to go out for walk, ride in a vehicle, very friendly with children, and easy to house train.
  2. Loriana

    Loriana Well-Known Member

    I say get a mutt from the pound. I really know nothing about dog breeds, but I do know Jack Russells tend to be hyper. They need a lot of exercise.
  3. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    May be a little bigger than you are looking for but have you considered australian shepherds? They are very smart, very active and love to be with their family.
  4. barney726

    barney726 Well-Known Member

    if he/she will be a house pet, in my opinion it is hard to beat a poodle. smart and do not shed.
  5. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Got our Beagle puppy at the pound neither we or the dog ever regreted it.
  6. dgsatman

    dgsatman Well-Known Member

  7. ponychick

    ponychick Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't recommend a jack russell, I think they are way too hyper and need a lot of discipline. Terriers in general can be stubborn, but JRT's are way beyond.

    I'm not going to get on a soapbox about pound dogs, although I think it's a great idea - our dog is a Wheaten Terrier/Red Coonhound from the pound, and he's smart and funny. I think mutts in general are healthier dogs.

    Fox Terriers are great dogs, good with families. The smooth coats are hard to find, but the wire coated fox terriers are more easily available. Make sure you get a health certificate of both parents from the breeder, no matter what dog you get.
  8. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    I second that! Got one myself, with the OP's specific criteria - except for size. But he is really gentle and sweet with the fam.
  9. Snuffleufogous

    Snuffleufogous Well-Known Member

    I'm partial to the Golden Retriever myself. But if a smaller breed is your thing, you can't do much better than a Beagle or a Corgi, IMHO.


    P.S. JCAPL has some great small dogs to choose from
  10. Pickle

    Pickle Well-Known Member

    Have you ever heard of a feist? They are terrier mixes and have Jack Russell and/or Rat terrier in them along with some other stuff. They tend to be small, not more than 30lbs, and are not so hyper and territorial as Jack Russells. They are in pounds, the paper, Craig's list sometimes, just everywhere. They are affectionate and very smart. My dad had some throughout my childhood and I just adopted one from a shelter who seems very intelligent. I have also recently read that they were used in circuses for dog tricks.
    And a beagle mixed with something small would be a wonderful dog......
  11. Twitch

    Twitch Well-Known Member

    I found my dog at Vets for Pets out on 95 in Dunn. The vet that runs the place sells the puppies beagles/jack russel mixes(feist) for the cost of having them fixed. I got our Sammy for 100.00. Females are a little more 150.00 I believe

  12. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    Please look in the shelters when you're looking for a new pet. I have 3 rescued dogs now and they are wonderful. One is a purebred Pomeranian, cute as a button, the other two are mixed breeds. I have one dog that I bought from a breeder and he is the last dog I will ever buy. From now on, all of my dogs will be rescues! If you really want a purebred, you'd be amazed at how many are in the shelters across the state. Start by looking here, www.dogsindanger.com, because they tell the exact date the dogs will be put to sleep. Also, you can look for shelter listings here http://raleigh.craigslist.org/pet/ .

    Best wishes to you with finding that new friend!
  13. fsb3

    fsb3 Well-Known Member

    All 3 of my dogs a mixed breeds, even though the chewing of the puppy the are wonderful pets. The oldest is 14, then 5, then 1. I highly recommend resueing a dog. I got the 4 year old from best friends pet adoption, and the 1 year old from the human society in the foot hills. If you find a breed you are interested in and go to petfinder.com, they will tell you the nearest dog or puppy up for adoption with some blood line of the breed you want.
  14. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    You can't go wrong with a beagle, I have had two in the past when my daughter was young, they were always very protective of her. Big babies..but I have to say if you really want the best dog for kids..a Pug is the way to go..you never see them up for adoption as much as other breeds. The love people and other pets, I have two now, one as a baby and another that I adopted and she was 3 when I got her last year and you would think she has been here since she was a puppy. It took me 6 months to find her, waited and waited to find a older pug..you just don't see them much. Now they may not be what you would call the "prettiest" dog, but man they are so much fun..and big time lap dogs..biggest fall back is the shedding.
    My sister has had jack russles and feits and I didn't care for either one, way to much on the hyper side for me. The other one, the third one, King Charles..I have read that they aren't as good as for kids. Just what I have read.
    But, like the others said, you can find a great dog up for adoption in the shelters, I would keep my eyes open as well in that area.
    Good luck and keep us posted on what you get.
  15. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    Good luck on picking a breed. (or course I am all for rescue too!!)

    THere are several on line quizes you can take to help match your family to a specific breed... here is one.


    Good luck in your search!!
  16. cece

    cece Well-Known Member

    I would be probably not get another beagle myself, for sentimental reasons. I would feel like I was trying to replace him and we both know you can't do that.

    Our neighbors had a jack and even at almost 3 years old he was still in the "puppy" stage and would mark his territory in the house. That dog drove them nuts, they moved away - they didn't get rid of him - in case you were wondering.... :)

    The last breed I know nothing about so I cannot help you there.

    I also am a huge fan of mixed breeds from the pound. My beloved puppy (15 yrs old) friend had to be laid to rest last year - he was due to be euthanized the day I adopted him. He was the best friend a dog lover could ask for. When my children came along he loved them too.

    Good luck with your search.
  17. Pickle

    Pickle Well-Known Member

    You really would be amazed at the number of smaller dogs that are in the shelters. I don't think the smaller counties around us have the rescues helping them that Jo. and Wake do or that as many people think to go there. They really need help.
    Ready, dogsindanger is how I "got in trouble" and got my Mo and Bear(used to be Curley).
  18. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    We lost our rat terrier in October. He was extremely intelligent and such a sweetheart...very human-like qualities. He was super hyper for the first year and a half of his life but after that, he was an old soul. When we were looking to get our lab another companion I spoke with our vet about breeds with the least amount of vet problems. He said he definitely recommended a mix over a purebred and said that beagles/hounds had the fewest overall health problems. Hope this helps!
  19. mandmdad

    mandmdad Well-Known Member

    Cavalier King Charles are great dogs, very smart and good with children. I had one many years ago. As mentioned in some other ads, keep an eye out at the local pounds or use petfinder and you can probably find one that needs to be rescued and pay much less as well.
  20. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Whatever you do - GO TO A SHELTER!

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