is sneezing her poor little head off. She and Shelby were sneezing yesterday. Shelby seems fine today but Mattie's still sneezing. No other symptoms. Should I take her in to the vet or give her some chicken noodle soup and wrap her up on the couch?
If my babies aren't showing any other signs (runny eyes, any discharge from the nose).. I let it go for a few days. But the minute I see a runny eye or nose, off to the vet we go!
:lol::lol: I told ya, I'm NOT going to do it! I refuse until I move. :lol::lol: Le, I didn't have any windows open :cry: Tassy, thanks we'll see what happens. She's been VERY needy today, sitting in my lap watching me type and do data entry so far today. Can I give her vitamin C? Or an Airbornne?
Awww...poor baby. Do not give her any OTC human meds without Vet approval though. If she's not acting better, I would take her to the doc tomorrow. I hate going into a weekend with a sick baby!
My little terrier went through this allergy thing and his Vet said I could give him children's benydral and baby aspirin. Might have been baby tylenol...He was a little little guy, which was almost 10 years ago... I'd call the vet and see. GL:?
We have used benadryl for dogs allergies with the recommendation of a vet... I guess the only problem would be dosage. Hope she feels better.
Thanks I've wrapped her up in a blanket on the chair in my office, (she's my assistant). She's been sleeping now for a few hours. If she knew her daddy was home, she'd be on the couch with him :lol:
We also gave both Elvis and Lisa-Marie Benadryl for allergies at one point under Vet recommendation. Elvis was around 21 lbs and took one adult. Lisa was around 50-55 at the time and took 2 adult. For the first couple of weeks, it makes them sleepy but then they get used to it. Unfortunately we had to go to RX allergy meds for both because Benadryl stopped working.
Made some Kung Pow Chicken a few weeks ago, it was too hot for my better half and I was heading off, so I gave it to the beagle. He was like one of these idiots at a pepper eating contest according too my wife his eyes and nose were running for two days.