And here I thought POS stood for Piece of S___.
So, did she use any of those or is it the other kids? I've never seen them, but my son is playing games like America's Army where he doesn't have much time for dialogue - unless he wants to get shot.
We were talking to her the other day about this as a matter of fact, and she didn't know half of them. I had to explain what most of them meant, and I'm okay with that!
Thanks Now this is Valuable info. Thanks. I sure didn't know any of this stuff. But you can bet I will send it to every one I know that has kids on the net.:iagree:
My sixteen year old only knew two of these. I thought POS was Point of Sale, myself. My teen did know that one. Grace
Sounds like some parents need to install a keylogger for their child's safety. Furthermore, most kids aren't going to take the time to figure out how to bypass internet parental control software. Why not buy it? I know when my kid is old enough to venture online, I'm going to put as many safeguards on the computer as possible...and no bedroom computer for them. This kind of activity is liking allowing your teen to stand in the doorway of your home with the door unlocked, talking to a sex offender. Furthermore, who knows who they may be giving out private information to? I'd want to know.
Since allowing my daughter access to the internet I have used eBlaster and Spector Pro. It saved us when some girl drama came up and I was able to print it off to show the other parents. Eye opener. Although my daughter claims it is an intrusion on her right to privacy I tell her that as long as she is a minor I will monitor. I check her MySpace and Face Book sites randomly and then visit her friends while I am out looking. Each friend and parent knows that I have the software monitoring so it should be no surprise. Some parents have asked me to print off there child's site, which I did a couple of times, but I learned that they really don't want to know. Grace
Absolutely Grace, my son is well aware that he has no "rights" to privacy in my home. Our PC is in the kitchen, and I am frequently over his shoulder - so I am not concerned right now. As he gets older, I will look into more sophisticated monitoring software, but right now my watchful eye and the History cache is enough. No myspace or facebook here, he is more into games and his email is always logged in and accessible to me.
Cleo, In about a year or so he will probably want to setup a MySpace or Face Book account (or both). I will tell you that it is vital at that point to install the monitoring software, if not to check on your son, to check on the people responding and communicating with him. It can get vicious with both girls and boys. When we went to the North Carolina School of Science and Math's orientation they stressed to the kids that email names, websites, etc. are checked before accepting someone to the school. They also stressed that potential colleges and employers will do searches. You could see by the expression on the kid's faces that they needed to clean some stuff up. Even if they don't drink or whatever and they use a sort of pimp layout it looks as though they are that kind of person. Grace
You are darn right. We have known a young man for many years who decided to go to NC State on an Air Force scholarship. He spoke on the telephone with my dad in regards to what he should study so that he was needed in specialty areas of the military. My dad told him to study a language, study engineering, etc. since he was going into the Air Force. This young man grew up down the street from us and had always wanted to serve our country. I was contacted regarding security checks on him from the military, after graduation. I did a quick search on Face Book and MySpace and sent him a message. "All pictures of drinking should be gone immediately. All pictures of sexual content should be gone immediately. Actually, you dumb a@@ shut those sites down or work at McDonald's." I received a message back that night from him and his parents thanking me and letting me know that everything had been shut down and they had contacted my dad in regards to traces of the information. If we teach them at a young age this is inappropriate maybe when they get older they will realize how important it is. Grace
Right now I am thankful DS only wants to go to the Webkinz and Tranformers sites.....................Geez. I may have to get rid of the computer when he gets to be pre-teen or teen. I've seen some stories on what these kids are putting out there and I know that teens live in the moment, but they have to know that stuff can bite them in the butt later, as we all know, nothing on the internet is anonymous. Scary.
My little sister (birthfathers family, just found them a few years ago) is 14, and last night while browing through her myspace page, I got really peeved. She had some very tawdry and tacky pics up. I was preplexed for a minute as to how to handle it, but as I am not her mother, but her big sis ( a new role for me), I sent her a message and told her that she should have more self respect than that, that I would drive to VA and beat the crap out of her, and that she'd better take those pictures down before her mother saw them and had a coniption. We'll see what happened when I get home tonight.
14??? When and who is she taking these pictures with?? Lord have mercy, I am going to have to keep the kid under lock and key! :shock:
Good for you Jenn - I know when I've looked around at some of my kids friends myspace pages- I can't believe what they post on there! Unfortunately (for me anyway) most of them have them set them to private so can't check anymore......
Alot of them that I see are pictures they take of themselves - looking all skimpy and stuff! Or their page titles - "I know you want to get in my pants".