Where can the general public go ride horses one weekend? With all the horses around here there has to be a stable that offers this service. We want to take our child, he likes horses.
You'll find just what your are looking for in the amazing 4042.com Business Directory! Happy trails! 8)
J&H Stables in Raleigh. They actually ride through Umstead Park and the scenery is to die for! Highly recommend!
J&H closed down back in '05. Very sad, a lot of people will miss it. They opened up a place in VA. Jean Lamm (the J in J&H) died a few weeks ago. She was a strong amazing woman. It's hard to find a place to ride someone else's horses - hard to find beginner friendly horses, and liability can break you. There's a lot near the mountains, but Deadbroke Farms sounds promising!
My neice went to deadbroke place for a week of riding lessons last year and loved it. The staff wes great and the facility was very nice. As a matter of fact my sister-in-law now wants to go there for her birthday.