Third? According to everything I've read so far, there were only two autopsies done. According to the ARTICLE posted above... (emphesis mine)
Could be. I just don't think her sleeping with a married man means she got what she had coming. Heck if that was the case half the people I know would be MIA. Look at the other Peterson case Lacey didn't know her hubby was cheating neither did his girlfriend.
:chillpill:, oh, thats not at all what I'm saying...... Let me start by saying I have been married 26 years and never strayed..... don't think DH has but never say never, that could come back to bite me in the azz. do I have a friend that has strayed, sure....... now for my point, If I was running around with a married man and his wife turned up dead and her death was questionable, you think I'm gonna marry him? hell no, I don't think wife #4 DESERVED that, I'm just saying, did she not question weather or not she was marrying a dang murderer? LET ME REPEAT: I'M NOT SAYING SHE DESERVED WHAT HAPPEN TO HER!
Well, I just wonder why any woman would want him. He seems to be a butt head everytime he speaks on tv/news. He is not very attractive and all the women in his life that are still alive say he is controling. I mean common ladies its not like there is a man shortage. LOL
yeah. it will take 1 heck of a man, and he sure ain't it, now Tim McGraw????????? JUST KIDDING! :mrgreen:
LOL, I forgot to read it before posting it, it is funny! Dang, I hate when work gets in the way of posting...LOL
Tim McGraw is cute, but Brad Paisley is my man. OMG the things I would like to do to that man. not just kidding either.