Batten down the hatches ... looks like we're SUPPOSED to get some pretty good storms here in a little bit! My manager, out in Chapel Hill/Durham area, says it looks like something from a Stephen King novel out his way ...
It's pushing in a cold front. Starting to hear thunder here, off of 42, tho the rain is probably still about 15-20 mins away.
ooh, ooohh, ooooohhhh Does that mean we will get snow within 10 days?????? It's not spring yet so it should qualify according to the old wives tale!!!:lol:
LOL that was the first thing DH said to me: "According to you we will be getting snow" He has never heard that before til I told him.
Doppler went green ... looks like most of the thunder boomers broke up, and we'll mostly just get some rain. Bummer.
Hmm.. maybe not .. I'm seeing some more yellow now ... it's just feeling unstable. Means it's showing signs of lessening, but not completely. -Doppler Girl
Rain, thunder & lightning in Apex Since Shelby's loosing her hearing, she's not freaked out like she normally would have been. :mrgreen: :hurray: