Does anybody else.....

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by MommySAIDno, Feb 26, 2008.

  1. MommySAIDno

    MommySAIDno Well-Known Member

    have kids who are having lots of stomach pain with NO other symptoms.

    I am baffled. My 8yo DS has been having stomach pain for about 6 days now. First, we thought it was a ploy to get more TV time, then, we thought it was gas, then we thought maybe a virus. Now, his older sister has the same thing. Just real bad stomach ache. No vomit, no potty troubles, just pain, especially after they eat. No fever either. DS wants to play and is hungry too, but his stomach hurts him so bad it is slowing him down as well as his sis.

    I was talking to my own Sister and she suggested that it may be possible, since we are in a drought and since we are on well water, that our water supply has gotten low and is not as clean as usual. She suggested that the 2 kids, who do drink much more water than the other two do, could have some sort of parasite and when they eat, especially anything with sugar, the parasites become more active feeding on the sugar which causes more pain.

    She gave me some ideas on how to get the ph in thier stomach more balanced to allow their body to fight the parasite if this is the case. So far, her theory makes some sense to me. Also, my youngest has been having tummy aches after he eats off and on for months now. I thought he was lactose intollerant and changed to lactaid and it seemed to help for a while but not all the time. He has not complained like the other two have these past few days. Makes me wonder if the younger they are, the more suceptable to a possible "parasite" they could be. Guess I need to find out about getting my well water tested...and fast.

    Any one else seen anything like this going around. I honestly do not think it is a virus because there is no fever or any other symptom than severe stomach pain. If it keeps up, I'll cart them to the Doc. I just think the doc will tell me it is a virus though and then, we run the risk of picking up the flu that all 6 of us have dodged thus far. I hate to go into a germy pediatrician's office in flu season unless I just have to.

    Just thought I'd see if any of you had some helpful info to offer. I'm really frustrated. Tums does not help, gasX does not help, ibuprofin after eating to ease the pain does not help. The home remedy of real lemon juice does not help. Any suggestions? It is SO hard to see your child in pain and have NO relief to offer them while they beg you to help them.
  2. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    A simple finger stick blood sample from their pediatrician should answer the 'parasite' thing (which I would be surprised if it were that, or all of us would be in pain). I would let the pediatrician figure it out.
  3. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Eating 2 much maybe?
  4. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    Funny, (not literally of course!) but my hubby and I were just saying yesterday, we both have had daily headaches and nausea for 2 weeks now. I Know I am definitely not pregnant, but that's how my stomach feels, that constant nausea feeling. And it'll go away, then as soon as I eat it's back. And I've got a headache all day, every day, and my hubby feels the same way. I thought maybe it was due to how dry it is, maybe sinus' or something like that? I can deal with the stomach issues, but the headaches are driving me crazy!
  5. MommySAIDno

    MommySAIDno Well-Known Member

    Yeah HG, I thought about that because both are hearty eaters. But...DS's tummy has been hurting to the point that he almost ate nothing for supper the last 2 nights and yet, he was up half the night with it hurting.

    I know I may have no choice but to take them to the pediatrician, I just worry that we will bring home a worse bug than we went in with.:?

    For lunch today, I cut out any sugars for them, not even natural sugars. Also, I stopped them from drinking the well water (just in case) and I have them on bottled water. They still are hurting, but the no sugar seems to have made their reaction to eating less severe:confused:

    DH is going by the healthfood store to get some raw ginger and some ph balanced water to help get the ph in their tummy normal and see if that helps.:?
  6. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Interesting - day 2 with a headache for me. Hmmmm.... I have tried changing my eating habits - I think it's that for me.
  7. Madonna

    Madonna Well-Known Member

    Yes, a stomach ache is going around. Some just have an ache and don't feel like eating or anything, others will still eat and vomit. It lasts around a week. Pepto is about that will work.
  8. MommySAIDno

    MommySAIDno Well-Known Member

    Are you guys on well water too?

    I'm finding some sites about well water and possible contaminants. Here is one:
  9. MommySAIDno

    MommySAIDno Well-Known Member

    Okay, so is it contageous? A virus?
    Really, no fever, no symptoms AT ALL - just really bad tummy ache. Well, if it's about a week, then maybe DS is nearly done with it. Poor DD though.
  10. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    What are the symptoms?

    Early symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning include:
    • Headache.
    • Dizziness.
    • Nausea.
  11. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    I am on well water and thats all we drink, other than milk and OJ, thats all thats in my house....

    weird ....

    wear masks in the Pediatricians and my kids do!
  12. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    Maybe try some probiotic yogurt too - or you can buy the probiotic pills.
  13. sarahmama

    sarahmama Well-Known Member

    The flu can have similar symptoms. It seems like no flu is the same. My son has had no symptoms, except for 102 fever for 8 days. Nothing else is wrong. They tested him last week for the flu, and it was negative, but yesterday it was positive. So, the tests aren't always coming out right either. Check with your doctor.
  14. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    To answer Mommysaidno - No, we are on Johnston County water. I do remember now though, didn't they say they were doing something with the water recently? I wonder if that's it?

    And Bandmom - I actually mentioned this to my hubby, but we don't have anything gas in our house. We have a fireplace, but he unhooked it because our gas bill has been outrageous, and it hasn't been used in probably 2 months. Plus, we have 3 kids, and it seems like it would affect them too, and they all seem fine, no complaints.
  15. Madonna

    Madonna Well-Known Member

    Seems to be contagious. I don't think it has anything to do with the water. I have a friend who does not live near us and both of her children have had the same thing. My daughter's stomach ache started around last Friday and still hurts. I called my friend and she said the symptoms are the same and it lasts about a week. She teaches school and says lots of kids have it right now. After placing the phone call my daughter told me that she and my friend's son drank from the same bottle of juice (yulk). Now she tells me others did the same. I would wait and see. I know seeing your children in pain is hard but sounds exactly like what we and others are going through.
  16. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    Now I'm starting to wonder about this JoCo water? I just read the statement, they started adding chlorine (?) on the 13th, and that's probably just about the time I've started feeling like this, and my hubby started a couple days after me. Could this affect us? I couldn't find anyplace online that said anything about that?
  17. MommySAIDno

    MommySAIDno Well-Known Member

    Called the pediatrician to talk to the nurse. She talked to the Doc and said they have not seen anything going around like this with just a tummy ache and NO other symptoms. :?

    Wanted me to bring DS in so I made an appointment for tomorrow afternoon. But after what Madonna is saying, I really wonder if I should take him in.
  18. MommySAIDno

    MommySAIDno Well-Known Member

  19. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    Many years ago we had our well water tested and it tested positive for e. coli! We had to dump Clorox into our well and let it sit overnight, then we had to open every spigot in the house and run the water until we could no longer smell the Clorox. The next sample came back clean, thank goodness. We had no clue there would be any problems with the water because no one was getting sick from it.
    Check out this site and if you think you need it tested I'll see if I can find the name of the department that tested ours (in Smithfield.) It's been over a dozen years since we had ours tested. Probably wouldn't hurt to have it done again. :neutral:

    I think this is the department that tested ours.
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2008
  20. MommySAIDno

    MommySAIDno Well-Known Member

    Thanks Ready. I actually just visited that page earlier today and now I have called the JC extension office and am told I can pick up a kit to test for the bacteria at their office for $15. Want me to get one for you too?

    Even if DS has something else, I still want it tested. Guess we should so it every year.

    Interesting, now DS says his tummy hurts but he feels well enough to go out and play with his friends. But I know tonight, he will come to me at bedtime and be in pain for hours. Ugggh! What to do.

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