ok I could not find the thread that had about the reassignments I called to Board of Ed to find out about what is going on. Need to know since there is a parent night scheduled at WJHS this Thursday for rising 9th graders. Spoke with Dr. Parker & he said that this area where I am at (McGees Crossroads) is the feeder school to WJHS & there would be no moving these students. Thank God is what I say. I thought we would have to move so that my daughter would not be sent to SJHS. Anyway that is where it stands. I guess what they are looking at is when Cleveland High opens that CMS would be the feeder school for that HS.
Thanks Lil'bratz!!!! I had NO idea about any parent meeting. I called Mcgee's middle and they confirmed it but she was even unsure of how they were getting the word out because I think they just got it on their calender. Guess we all need to be the word spreaders........It's more than likely a VERY good thing to attend. Webbie, can you please do a "sticky" for this if you can confirm it also???
My son brought home a sheet of paper telling about it. I think it came home on Thursday or Friday of last week.
AHHHHH........That may explain the balled up paper that was in my son's jeans pocket AFTER they came out of the DRYER..........I have tolds that child time and time and time and time and time........again. "Son, take the stuff out of the pockets." :beathorse: is what I feel like..................with all 3 of the kids. :x
Kleenex is the worst thing in a load of washing, but when it comes to money you won't hear a peep out of me, finders keepers is my motto.:lol:
So does anyone have the details on the rising 9th graders for Thursday night, what did the letter say? I didn't get it from my daughter....ugggg!
Thanks so much. My daughter and I just got into a fight because she didn't give me a paper and she swears she didn't get one. I'd better call Clayton Middle tomorrow and make sure it's for our school as well.
ok so we have the meeting at WJHS on Thursday & then anyone who goes to McGees that will be attending WJHS next year has a meeting on March 4th in regards to q & A 7 registration. This is in case your child did not give you paperwork that came home Tuesday
Meeting Don't believe a thing Dr Parker or the Board tells you about assignment/reassignment. They'll look you in the eye and lie to you. I know from experience.
I went to a meeting last year with a friend of mine when they were talking about re-assigning kids from one S/D from Riverwood to River Dell. I got the distinct impression that he didn't have the first CLUE about the area he was there to talk about. He didn't impress me much, truth be told. I know he can't know every single thing about JC, but I would think at a minimum, he might have wanted to look at a map of the area in question before he came. 8)
well see thats the thing about having it said via a phone he can say he said otherwise then I will call him out on it two can play that game. Been there done that with this group b4. This meeting is a Parents meeting the first one says 8th grade parent night 2/28/08 from 6-8pm this is to learn aobut athletics & clubs & then information on registration process Then McGees is having a parent night 3/4/08 from 6-730 to go over registration process As for any meetings about re-districting there are none currently on calendar. I am sure it will be a last minute thing or whatever. Since I have it from the horses mouth via my telephone than I am taking that to the "bank"
Just got off the phone with Dr. Bunn at WJHS. Yes, parents and students should plan on going to WJHS tomorrow night from 6-8. She said just go to the lobby at 6 and people will direct you where to go. From 6-7 you will learn about athletics, clubs and career classes and then at 7 you'll go to the auditorium for more information. Clayton Middle-your students will sign up for classes on the morning of March 3rd at school. She explained that the teachers will sign the students up on their current skill set, etc. to make sure they are getting into the correct classes for their learning levels.
meeting at WJHS was very imformative looak out for paperwork to come home Did you all know that our 8th graders have a placement test for 9th grade math It was to be given on 3/11 but they have changed it do not know knew date Another test really ticks me off I will post information for those that did not go later
Yep, my daughter is having a melt down, because she does not want to be in any honors classes her freshman year (when Dr. Bunn said if you have a 90 or above average in your current classes it's recommended). She said she just thinks that will be to stressful for her. I'm calling her teacher today to advise her of this melt down and see if regular classes are her best option, since Freshman year of HS is hard enough. I was a little upset at the fact no one ever showed up at the volleyball table...that's the only reason I went to the 6:00...ugggg. The slide show, well I had already pulled that off the West Site, so I had all that info.
what u need to know for freshman year Mr. Jewitt is the freshman principal Butler is in charge of curriculm Rideout is in charge of Career Mr. Blue is the overall counselor then another counselor assigned by alpha There are 3 teams Freshman eat together during two lunch sessions There will be another orientation hosted by WJHS in August Your child must select a course of study for a 4 year plan there are 3 different course of study programs need 32 credits over 4 years 9th grade is predetermined so they only have two electives the childs math /science is determined by EOG, math placement test & the 8th grade teacher You as the parent can decline to follow recomendations by signing a waiver About the 90% in Math......don't let child get stressed it is your option to put them in Honors classes so even if it is recommended you can opt out & alot of freshman due b/c it is very over whelming I hope this helps for whoever did not go