But does it work the same if we're not on a well, but on Joco water? If ours was bad, wouldn't everyone else's be?
No, since you are not on a well, your water gets tested automatically. Does not mean that what they think is safe (i.e. chlorine) for you really IS safe for you and your family. Ready and I are on well water so we have to test our own water or pay the county to do it (depends on the test we choose). But we will not have the chlorine added to ours like you will since we don't have county water.
Interesting article. Unfortunately it didn't list symptoms or anything like that. But if that's the problem, it should clear up, since they're only adding it for another week or so I think. But it says it also causes eczema, and my neck has also been breaking out in these little bumps for the last week or so, and if I itch them they start to bleed, and some come right off (it's not as gross as it sounds!) I don't know if that's what eczema is, but I just thought it interesting.
Hmm, when we had ours tested, a man came out and collected the samples for us, from different spigots. I guess a lot has changed since then -- probably due to the sheer number of houses in JC now. Youngest DS had some tummy issues a while back. Kind of the same thing, lots of tummy pain, but he did have some upset tummy along with it. I just remember it lasting for a long time and started to wonder about our water. But, it finally cleared up so it could have been a virus. Who knows. :?
Eczema is extremely dry skin that peels. What you're describing on your neck sounds like those annoying little skin tags that women tend to get when we're pregnant and as we get older.
Well, I didn't like that link at all! What are you trying to do to me??? Interesting also about the shower...I noticed a couple days ago that the inside of my shower stinks. I couldn't figure out what it was, kind of like someone peed in it, but I know no one has....yuck! I wonder if it's the chlorine I'm smelling? It didn't smell like when you're at a pool, but the articles I'm reading are saying that the chlorine in our drinking water could be a lot more than what you find at a pool. Very interesting, I'm actually learning something today!
Tough call. If he is up half the night with stomach pain, I would probably take him. Better safe than sorry, right? I know what you mean though, it feels like playing Germ Russian Roulette by having to go to any doctor's office during flu season.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking. But now, I just talked to Sis and she suggested somthing for the pain. Don't know if you have used it but she uses Bonine which is a stomach muscle relaxer used often for motionsickness and it is all natural. She said if it's a stomach thing, it will help with the pain and it will allow him to sleep. So, DH just left the Harmony Farms on Creedmoor where he got ph drops for the bottled water and ginger for the tummy and some other breakfast things with no sugar. Now he is headed to CVS to get Bonine.:mrgreen: I am calling the Doc and cancelling the appointment. I'm giving this idea at least one day and maybe the pain will stop. I'll let ya know. Again, I don't think it is something catching really.
Sorry:? I know it is not very "nice" to read and consider. You might also find this thread interesting. http://www.4042.com/4042forums/showthread.php?t=16859&highlight=fluoridation There are some who will never want to consider that what they dump into our public water supply is not always the best thing. But if you do the research instead of sticking your head in the sand and calling those doing the research a bunch of nut cases, it's actually pretty easy to figure it out where some of today's health problems are stemming from. At least the last time I checked it looked like JC is not yet fluoridating its water supply. I hope it stays that way for your sake and many others.:?
We got an automated call from the water company (JoCO h2O) explaining that they were changing the additives for about three weeks. I can't remember, but I think it is taking out the ammonia and leaving the chlorine. I would try the probiotic yogurt and if that doesn't work and it continues, I would look into testing for celiac disease (wheat gluten intolerance). Hope everything is OK.
Yes, I also recommend you do the research also, typically the conspiracy theorist and fear mongers are wrong. Particularly when there is so much data pointing the other way.
You are SO funny! I did ask him and he has been regular so I don't think it is that. Actually, I gave them both the ph water and the bonine last night. DD felt better and went to bed. DS felt a little better but still complained he was hurting. I had to give him a second dose of bonine. He went to bed finally and this morning, I gave them a totally non sugar and all natural breakfast. And they have since had bananas for a snack. Neither one has had the slightest complaint about a tummy ache so far.
Not so in this case Hugh. But you believe what you want. If one does the research, IN DEPTH, I think they will find some things to be plenty concerned about. But others are welcome to stick their heads in the sand. We are all allowed to come to our own individual conclusions.